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Playing With / Slobs Versus Snobs

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Basic Trope: Charged social conflict between two characters, one neat and elegant, the other slobby and poorly groomed.

  • Straight: Alice is a Proper Lady from Old Money while Bob is a Working-Class Hero with Perma-Stubble who uses the laundromat maybe once a decade. The two instantly hate each other.
  • Exaggerated: Alice is a Rich Bitch in Sheep's Clothing who owns a Peace & Love Incorporated and has never even seen real filth before. Bob is a Shell-Shocked Veteran with an irrational fear of war. The two barely exchange glances before each summons their guards/tribal mates to kill each other.
  • Downplayed: Alice wears pants suits and enjoys the opera. Bob wears T-Shirts and thinks a Soprano is a TV drama with a cliffhanger ending. The two avoid each other out of mutual distaste.
  • Justified: Alice is an raging Rich Bitch and/or Bob's a belligerent Lower-Class Lout with a criminal record for mugging wealthy pedestrians. Aesthetics and Values Dissonance aside, one or both has real reason to fear and mistrust the other.
  • Inverted: Alice and Bob like each others' lifestyles better than their own. Bob immediately cleans his one-room apartment, starts bathing regularly and buys some tickets to a Broadway show while Alice decides that she just has more fun on the weekend if she doesn't bathe or clean and instead spends the entire day watching sports with a six-pack of cold beer.
  • Subverted: Alice and Bob initially clash over their differences in personal priorities, but either get over it quickly or find that they've got more important things to worry about.
  • Double Subverted: ...but Alice STILL wishes Bob would at least put on some cologne and Bob goes out for a smoke whenever Alice starts chatting about her $3000 pumps.
  • Parodied: After Bob rescues Alice, she immediately starts raving about how filthy he and his Ragtag Bunch of Misfits are; they even got mud on her new dress!. Bob takes it in stride... until returns to his hideout one evening and discovers (to his horror) that it's now spotless and redecorated in a less Man Cave-y way. (All Alice says is "You're welcome".) Hilarity Ensues.
  • Zig Zagged: Alice and Bob keep finding new ways to enrage and disgust each other, though each always ends up accepting the other's lifestyle even if they strongly disagree with it.
  • Averted: Alice and Bob either share a similar mindset regarding manner, personal cleanliness, fashion and culture or don't respect each other less for the differences in the above.
  • Enforced: Since Bob comes from a poorer background, the showrunners decide that Alice would be a more effective Foil if she were a Woman of Wealth And Taste.
  • Lampshaded:
    Alice: Ugh, did he REALLY just eat peanut butter straight out of the jar with his fingers?
    Bob: Ugh, did she REALLY just drop $30 on a jar of designer-brand PB?
  • Invoked: Bob wants to annoy Alice, so he goes out of his way to dress like a bum, leave his dirty dishes on the table, etc.
  • Exploited: There's a serious political tension building between the nobility and the commoners. A rabble-rouser escalates said-tension by playing on each side's disgust with the others' lifestyles.
  • Defied: Alice and Bob refuse to let their private lives interfere with their teamwork.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed: All either Alice or Bob knows about the other is how they live, dress and act; they've never even spoken. Yet Alice is convinced that Bob is a degenerate or a criminal based purely on what little she's seen while Bob believes she's part of an Illuminati plot to Kill the Poor. Eventually things get violent when both decide that they'd rather strike first. Both end up dead, hating and fearing each other to their last moments without having spoken a single word to the other.
  • Played for Laughs: It's an homage to The Odd Couple,
  • Played for Drama:
    • Alice and Bob, in their own way (yes, even Bob) have worked hard to get things just the way they want it and the other completely destroys everything by just being themselves (Alice loses her direly-needed extension to her architectural contract and is in the quick path to the poor house because Bob disturbed her dinner guests by harassing them with his Lower-Class Lout antics, while the notes for Bob's potential-Pulitzer-prize-winning article have been destroyed by Alice incinerating all of his notebooks which she deemed garbage and short-circuiting his laptop by spraying Lysol on it). If there is any possibility for friendship to flourish, it is an extremely long shot.
    • The snob Alice wishes to Kill the Poor. The slob Bob wishes to kill Ms. Know-It-All. Middle-class Winona is not allowed to stay neutral.

Back to Slobs vs. Snobs. But won't you PLEASE wipe your feet first?note 
