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Playing With / Pedophile Priest

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Basic Trope: A priest who has an attraction to (and often does "things" with) the younger members of his "flock."

  • Straight: Father Bob feels attracted to an underage altar server. Eventually, he ends up having sex with said altar server.
  • Exaggerated: Father Bob has had sex with at least half the underage members of his congregation.
  • Downplayed: Father Bob gropes the altar server, but no sex occurs.
  • Justified: Father Bob's profession gives access to children and respect from the community.
  • Inverted:
    • The altar server rapes Father Bob.
    • Father Bob is an honest holy man who is outright disgusted by the idea of priests molesting children and actively does everything in his power to condemn pedophiles and have them turned in to the authorities.
    • Father Bob molests the older members of his congregation.
  • Subverted:
    • Father Bob feels attracted to an underage altar server, but she's Younger than She Looks.
    • While physical attraction is there, but not acted upon... He might even inflict flagellation and/or other kind of penitence on himself for daring to have such abominable thoughts.
    • Father Bob is a pedophile, but he's not a real Priest. Rather he's a Con Man who masquerades as a priest in order to take advantage of trusting parishoners.
  • Double Subverted:
    • Father Bob later realizes he's wrong about her age and still has sex with her any way.
    • Until the Unresolved Sexual Tension gets to Father Bob, where it goes From Bad to Worse.
    • Father Bob used to be a real priest but was defrocked after he was caught molesting an altar server at another parish.
  • Parodied:
    • Father Bob has a harem of Moe or Adorably Precocious Child (or both) characters, depending on his preferences, in the back room.
    • Catholic priests read a magazine called ''Altarboy'' like other men read the magazine Playboy.
  • Zig Zagged: Sometimes Father Bob is attracted to kids, sometimes to sexy adults.
  • Averted:
    • Father Bob is not a pedophile or an ephebophile, and is in fact a Celibate Hero.
    • Father Bob spends lots of time with the children in his congregation, but only ever acts as a tutor and father figure to them, and is known to never do anything disgusting to or with them.
  • Enforced:
    • The writer is anti-Catholic, and sincerely believes all priests are pedophiles (whether or not he or she actually was molested by the family priest or knew someone who was).
    • There's lots of media coverage concerning pedophile priests, which ultimately inspires the episode.
    • The writer is a Catholic, and feels this corruption has to be confronted for the good of the church.
  • Lampshaded: "You know Father Bob, he is one of those that takes the "Let the little children come to me" thing a tad too far..."
  • Invoked: Bob is ordained, and immediately goes off to find victims.
  • Exploited: Carl wants to distance Alice from Father Bob, and tells her that he is a pedophile priest.
  • Defied:
  • Discussed: "Now that Bob's become a priest, I hope that he isn't a child molester!"
  • Conversed: "Why is it that so many priests rape children?"
  • Implied:
    • Father Bob looks at his altar boys a little too much during Mass.
    • Timmy the Altar Boy is unwilling to be left alone in a room with Father Bob.
  • Deconstructed: Father Bob was raised Catholic and so there were no effective means of dealing with his "issues" in a healthy manner. He joined the priesthood to become good, or so that he wouldn't be troubled by sexuality, or even to look good and please his family, not necessarily because he genuinely accepted The Call to be a priest. Or, if he did genuinely want to be a priest for the right reasons, he wasn't necessarily prepared to handle its challenges. He may or may not feel bad about that.
  • Reconstructed: Father Bob gets over his hang-ups about sexuality (either by praying, talking to a therapist, or both), and loses his attraction to the altar server. He may leave the priesthood, if he has a My God, What Have I Done? moment and realizes he's not cut out for it, or joined for the wrong reasons. Or if he decides to stay, he accepts the challenges of his Noble Profession.
  • Played For Laughs: Father Bob's (failed) quests to get in the kids' pants turn him into the Lolicon and Shotacon equivalent of a Casanova Wannabe.
  • Played For Drama:

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