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Playing With / Herr Doktor

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Basic Trope: Doctors and scientists are often German/Austrian, and/or have German/Austrian accents.

  • Straight: Dr. Arzt is a Mad Scientist with a German accent.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Dr. Arzt has such a strong German accent that it's impossible to understand anything he's saying.
    • Any and all doctors or scientists in the work have strong German/Austrian accents.
  • Downplayed:
    • Dr. Arzt doesn't actually come from Germany or Austria, but speaks in the accent nonetheless.
    • Arzt isn't necessarily a scientist, but is rather smart.
    • A scientist/doctor happens to be of German/Austrian descent, but doesn't necessarily have the accent.
  • Justified: Scientists and doctors can come from Germany.
  • Inverted:
    • Arzt is a German character that doesn't care at all about being a doctor or scientist.
    • Arzt is a thick-headed German brute with an equally thick accent.
  • Subverted:
    • Arzt is introduced as a scientist, but he turns out to not be one after all.
    • Artz is from Switzerland, but from a French or Italian canton like Geneva.
  • Double Subverted: He's actually a doctor.
  • Parodied: Everyone who earns a Ph.D instantly gets a thick German accent.
  • Zig-Zagged: Some doctors/scientists are German, and some aren't.
  • Averted: No doctors/scientists ever have any German/Austrian accents.
  • Enforced: The actor playing Dr. Arzt happens to be German, so the producers decided to make it part of his character.
  • Lampshaded: ???
  • Invoked: Dr. Arzt is Genre Savvy enough to know that a lot of scientists speak in German accents, and decides to try it for himself.
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied:
    • Arzt decides not to take knowledge in science.
    • After becoming a scientist, he legally changes his name and starts speaking in an American accent.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: "Why do fictional doctors often talk in German accents?"
  • Implied:
    • Dr. Arzt is The Ghost, but characters frequently mention his German accent.
    • Dr. Arzt frequently speaks in a somewhat German-sounding accent, but it's never specified if he/his accent is supposed to be of Germanic origins.
    • Dr. Artz is mentioned to currently be living in Frankfurt, but is never confirmed outright to be German (if that's even his real name and not a pseudonym).

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