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Playing With / Embarrassed by a Child

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Basic Trope: A character ends up in an awkward situation and is embarrassed by a child pointing it out.

  • Straight: Alice is in the shower and sees her cat Fluffy on the road. Worried, she runs out into the road naked, but Fluffy runs away, leaving Alice in the road naked, with all the cars having stopped and are beeping their horns, and then Bob and Carol walk past with their six-year-old son Dave, who says, "Daddy, why is that lady in the nude?". This embarrasses Alice.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Dave takes a photo of Alice naked and uploads it online to ask netizens why she’s naked in public. It goes viral.
    • Whenever Alice gets herself into an awkward situation, little Dave is there to point it out.
    • Alice repeatedly ends up stripped naked in public and Dave is always beside her.
    • Men and women repeatedly end up naked in front of Dave, much to their humiliation.
  • Downplayed:
    • Alice was just in a Modesty Towel or her underwear, but little Dave points it out anyway.
    • Alice gets dressed and runs out, yelling "Fluffy!". Dave asks Bob "Daddy, why is that lady yelling 'Fluffy'?" Alice is slightly embarrassed.
    • Alice goes on an angry rant in public, but stops and gets embarrassed when she notices Dave staring at her.
  • Justified: Alice is the kind of person liable to get embarrassed rather than to laugh awkward incidents off, and Dave is Curious as a Monkey.
  • Inverted:
    • Alice shrugs it off, but Dave is embarrassed.
    • Dave is the one who was in the shower and went out to save Fluffy, who, despite not being his cat, was, well, a Cute Kitten, and he gets embarrassed by Alice saying to Bob, who went out to protect Dave, "Why is your son naked?"
  • Subverted:
    • Dave says, "Daddy, why..", but then Bob says "Shh", to which Dave says, "I was only wondering why the sky was blue".
    • Alice laughs it off and goes back inside.
  • Double Subverted:
    • Bob says, "I don't know", and then Dave turns to Carol and says, "Do you know, Mommy? And while we're at it, can you tell me why that lady's naked?"
    • Bob explains why the sky is blue note  and then Dave says, "And by the way, why is that woman naked?"
    • Out of sight, she curses at herself for exposing herself.
  • Parodied:
    • Dave asks "Why is the sky blue?" and Alice still looks embarrassed.
    • Alice getting caught naked in public in front of Dave is a Running Gag, with Dave’s "Why is that lady in the nude?" being his signature Catchphrase.
  • Zigzagged: After the incident with Dave, Alice runs down the street naked, past several children, some of whom point her out, and some of whom don't.
  • Averted:
    • Alice never ends up in awkward situations.
    • Children never point out Alice's awkward situations.
    • Alice never gets embarrassed.
  • Enforced: ???
  • Lampshaded: "Ugh, why must kids always be around to witness my awkward moments?"
  • Invoked:
    • Dave is a Dirty Kid who deliberately tricks women into exposing themselves naked in public and points them out to others to humiliate them.
    • To embarrass her or to teach him about the human anatomy, Bob and Carol see Alice walking down the street naked and walk Dave past her so he would ask.
    • Emma strips Alice naked, shoves her into a middle school classroom and forces her to teach.
    • A group of Dirty Kids trick Alice into getting naked so that they can leer at her.
  • Exploited: Emma forces Alice to strip naked in front of Dave, films it and uploads it online to frame her as a pedophile.
  • Defied:
    • Alice puts some clothes on hastily before going out to get Fluffy.
    • Bob and Carol shield Dave's eyes before he could see Alice and demand Alice go back inside.
    • Dave graciously looks away.
  • Discussed: "What should I do if a kid sees me naked?"
  • Conversed: "Why do these characters always end up with kids witnessing their embarrassing moments?"
  • Implied:
    • Dave starts to rattle off on how he met Alice, but she shuts him up.
    • Alice accidentally exposed herself to Dave in the past and is embarrassed about it, but the exact details are unclear.
  • Deconstructed: Alice gets arrested for public nudity, and possibly gets Mistaken for Pedophile since she was around a kid.
  • Reconstructed: Alice protests her innocence and Dave, Bob and Carol back her up. She is acquitted.
  • Played for Laughs: Cringe Comedy.
  • Played for Drama:
    • Embarrassed and angry at Dave, Alice attacks him.
    • Alice deliberately exposes herself to Dave to fulfil her exhibitionist fantasies, getting aroused at his confusion.
    • Alice deliberately exposes herself to Dave to desensitise him to nudity before she molests him under pretenses of teaching him.
    • Dave is Forced to Watch Alice getting raped and pleads for her attackers to stop.
    • Alice is forced at gunpoint into raping Dave, who protests and cries as she forces herself on him.

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