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Playing With / Detrimental Determination

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Basic Trope: Sometimes being the Determinator is self-destructive and endangers others.

  • Straight: In the Tales of Troperia series, mainstay rival Claidheamh is constantly trying to defeat Sir Robert, often to no avail, and this often endangers everyone around him.
  • Exaggerated: Claidheamh is just so utterly determined to kill Sir Robert that he destroys anything in his path just to kill his rival.
  • Downplayed:
    • Claidheamh only tries to fight Sir Robert when both are at their peak; He refuses to fight an injured (or outnumbered) Sir Robert. Any other time is fair game, though; Even when Claidheamh himself is injured and/or outnumbered.
    • Claimheamh has destroyed his own resources, reputation and health to try to defeat Sir Robert, but he explicitly quits when the livelihood of others is at stake.
  • Justified: Claidheamh hates Sir Robert so much that he doesn't care for anything else around him.
  • Inverted: Claidheamh has a severe lack of determination, and his cowardice benefits everyone around him.
  • Subverted: Claidheamh concedes when outnumbered.
  • Double Subverted: That is, until his Berserk Button is pressed. Then all caution goes to the wind.
  • Parodied: Claidheamh explicitly states that he wakes up extra early just to be Sir Robert's rival.
  • Zig-Zagged: Claidheamh's willingness to fight fluctuates.
  • Averted: Claidheamh has normal amounts of determination.
  • Enforced: A bug in the first game manages to bump Claidheamh's chance of appearing in random encounter battles to be a concerning amount, even though he often gets squashed in the end game. The Developer decided to make this a plot point.
  • Lampshaded: "God, has it ever occurred to you to just give up!?"
  • Invoked: (From Lampshaded) "Nay, I choose tae keep fightin'. I care only for the death of me greatest enemy, Sir Robert!"
  • Exploited: Claidheamh uses his constant determination to consistently take Victory by Endurance again and again, even though he's basically tearing the landscapes apart.
  • Defied:
  • Discussed: "Claidheamh had gone so utterly mad that he's going to kill himself before he kills Sir Robert."
  • Conversed: "Good grief, this guy should at LEAST know when to quit!"
  • Implied: There is a cautionary tale of a Claidheamh whose perseverance was too much to handle. How this is expanded upon is up for interpretation.
  • Played for Laughs: Claidheamh has silly reasons as to why he's so determined.
  • Played for Drama: Normally done as is.
  • Played for Horror: Claidheamh has gone through serious lengths of revenge (most of which is self harm) to the point that whatever is left of him is an honest to god miracle that it's still kicking.
  • Deconstructed: Inherently, this trope is a deconstruction of Determinator, but here's a rare optimistic variant: Claidheamh's constant determination manages to snag him a Pyrrhic Victory; Even when he had lost many, many battles, Claidheamh will at least be known for the one time he finally won...
  • Reconstructed: ...Or, that's what he believes. Instead, he is known for being a complete maniac whose utter perseverance serves as a cautionary tale for those who believe that determination will eventually win over everything else.

I don't care if it hurts me, I'm not going back to the main page!
