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Playing With / Brawler Lock

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Basic Trope: Two people grab each others' hands and try to overpower the other.

  • Straight: During a particularly vicious brawl, Electro-Man and Hellraiser The Uncontainable interlock fingers and try to oppose each other. At one point, it even looks like one of them is actually pushing the other back!
  • Exaggerated: The brawler lock is so intense it splits the ground beneath them.
  • Downplayed: The brawler lock is less of a grapple and more of a Punch Parry that turns into a test of strength and will.
  • Justified:
    • Their hands got entangled in the fight, and they're too laser focused on overpowering their opponent to even think of untangling.
    • They're currently too tired to throw a punch, and are forced to grapple with one another instead.
  • Inverted:
    • Electro-Man and Hellraiser furiously engage in a brutal tug of war, eventually resulting in them constantly pirouetting and trying to throw the other guy into the air.
    • Electro-Man and Hellraiser instead go for a Pummel Duel; Whose fists are faster, stronger, and tougher than the others'?
  • Subverted:
    • The two try going in for a brawler lock... But Superio and The Awe-Inspiring Dolt break them up before anything too crazy happens.
    • The two try going in for a brawler lock... But one of them headbutts the other or otherwise tosses them away, preventing one from happening.
  • Double Subverted:
    • The combined forces of both Superio and The Awe-Inspiring Dolt are not enough for these two to still attempt one.
    • One of them keeps a brutal grip on the other's hands, practically invoking this trope.
  • Parodied: The entire brawler lock is surprisingly similar to a Sumo Wrestling competition; Tarantu-Dude picks up a war fan, Electro-Man and Hellraiser assume stances, and the entire fight shares similar rituals to an actual sumo wrestling match.
  • Zig-Zagged: There are times when they try going for a brawler lock, and times when slugging it out is a better option.
  • Averted: Neither go for this at all.
  • Enforced: To show off the strength of both Electro-Man and Hellraiser, the writers looked for something that was particularly epic but doesn't involve much slugging. This trope will do.
  • Lampshaded: Electro-Man and Hellraiser share some Trash Talk.
    Electro-Man: "Yossha... Let's get t'comparin' our strengths, tough guy!"
    Hellraiser: "Your efforts of overpowering me will be rendered futile, puny child. I'll crush you like a bug."
  • Invoked: The two of them decide, out of bravado and arrogance, to try and overpower each other by grabbing each other, interlocking fingers, and trying to push the other guy and assert dominance in general.
  • Exploited:
    • Someone, be it a redshirt, Tarantu-Dude, or the other superheroes, take advantage of the two grappling it out, and promptly defeat the two of them while they're distracted.
    • Electro-Man shocks Hellraiser to a crisp in this brawler lock. Either that, or Hellraiser throws in a Groin Attack.
  • Defied:
    • Every character goes out of their way to ensure that this never happens.
    • When one of them tries to grab the other, the other one swiftly suplexes them up and away, deterring them from even trying to do this trope.
  • Discussed: Captain Patriotic remarks, "Look at these two brutes, trying to overpower each other... Pretty damn stupid."
  • Conversed: "Of course, the classic brawler lock. For when your fists get entangled in one another.
  • Implied: Electro-Man and Hellraiser furiously approach each other, before the scene cuts away to another part of the action scene. We cut back to them, and one of them's noticeably tired and laid on their ass, while the other is rubbing their hands (particularly their fingers) as if they've partook in one of these.
  • Deconstructed:
    • The brawler lock goes pretty much nowhere, causing the two to tire out, and a stalemate ensues.
    • (Of exaggerated) The ground splits apart, which causes city wide earthquakes.
  • Reconstructed:
    • That is, until one of them throws the other guy, or gains a quick advantage while the other's too tired and distracted.
    • (Of exaggerated) They take ample care to not do that again.
  • Played for Laughs: One of them decides to try and headbutt the other in an attempt to break them up. They kiss instead, and the brawler lock is swiftly broken as the two embarrassedly wipe their mouths.
  • Played for Drama: These two are on the brink of defeat, and they try and grab onto each other as one last ditch attempt at a chance at winning the fight.
  • Played for Horror: The brawler lock is positively brutal; Their nails dig into each others' skins so deeply that it draws blood, and the two have been beating each other senseless so much that this is the only thing they can do at this point.

Test your strength with a Brawler Lock back at the main page.
