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Playing With / Antagonist in Mourning

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Basic Trope: A Villain mourns over a Hero's death.

  • Straight: Evil Bob kills Hiro, then goes to his funeral.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Evil Bob, having finally killed his nemesis, Hiro, is so grief-stricken due to his loss, that he decides to give up his life of evil, perhaps even turning good himself.
    • Hiro murders Evil Bob's henchmen and his wife in the final battle. Yet, Evil Bob goes to his funeral.
    • Evil Bob is not only mournful over Hiro's death, but we becomes outright depressed because of it.
  • Downplayed:
    • Hiro is part of a group of heroes. After he's killed, Evil Bob keeps making plans that have to be corrected for Hiro no longer being there while trying to defeat the heroes.
    • Hiro is injured non-lethally, but Evil Bob is still concerned over his enemy's well-being.
    • Evil Bob expresses his condolences to Hiro's friends the next time they fight.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted:
  • Double Subverted:
    • Later that night, Evil Bob cries himself to sleep in his room.
    • Evil Bob becomes more mournful as the funeral continues, to the point he can't go through with it.
    • Evil Bob only pretends to do so when he was really pouring out a drink instead.
  • Parodied:
    • Evil Bob had a Villainous Crush on Hiro and tearfully admits it to the rest of his party... much to his humiliation.
    • Evil Bob is acting like a stereotypical crying widow during Hiro's funeral, complete with a typical all-black dress and veiled hat.
  • Zig-Zagged: Evil Bob goes to Hiro's funeral, only to whip out a gun and shoot Hiro's True Companions at the funeral. Then he bursts out in genuine tears for Hiro.
  • Averted: Evil Bob couldn't care less about that fool, Hiro, who thought to oppose him.
  • Enforced: "Let's show how nice a person Hiro was by having Evil Bob mourn for him."
  • Lampshaded: "You know, seeing as he was your arch-nemesis, I’m really surprised how cut up you are about this."
  • Invoked: Hiro is killed by someone other than Evil Bob specifically to upset or insult Evil Bob.
  • Exploited:
    • Hiro fakes his own death in order to render Evil Bob hopelessly depressed and unable to carry out his plan.
    • Hiro fakes his own death in a way that convinces Evil Bob he's responsible because he's hoping the trauma will cause Evil Bob to rethink his life and change sides.
    • Hiro dies for real, gambling that Evil Bob can be redeemed into making a Heel–Face Turn and become a hero even more powerful than Hiro was.
  • Defied: "Quick, Evli Bob! Kill Hiro!"
  • Discussed: Before killing Hiro, Evil Bob talks about how he may just be upset when Hiro is dead. Musings about a thin line between love and hate may be said.
  • Conversed: "Ooh, the battle between Hiro and Evil Bob looks bad." "I hope Hiro wins. Bob's a horrible wreck at funerals."
  • Implied:
  • Deconstructed: Evil Bob is a Punch-Clock Villain who secretly respects Hiro. However, he can't join Hiro's side because his boss, Emperor Evulz is holding Bob's family hostage.
  • Reconstructed:
  • Played for Laughs: "Uhh... I'm Not Quite Dead." "OH THANK GOD!" *Glomp!* " I don't know what I would do without you!
  • Played for Drama: Evil Bob can't adjust to Hiro being dead to the point he either commits suicide or is eventually cut down by another evil rival.
  • Played for Horror: Evil Bob will attempt to murder everyone who thinks Hiro is bad.

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