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Playing With / Animated Shock Comedy

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Basic Trope: An animated work for adults that revolves around lots of crude content as comedy, and occasionally contains some social satire as well.

  • Straight: "Alice and Bob: The Series" is a TV-MA cartoon that has lots of swearing, constant usage of Crosses the Line Twice, and an ugly art style.
  • Exaggerated: Every single moment in "Alice and Bob: The Series" is downright shocking, to the point in which viewers may walk away feeling as though they need a shower.
  • Downplayed:
    • There's a fair amount of crude content in the series, but the show can still be enjoyable to fans who aren't too big on crude humor due to it having a consistent plot and good characters.
    • "Alice and Bob: The Series" only has enough crude moments to get a TV-14 or even a high TV-PG rating.
    • Grossout Show
    • "Alice and Bob: The Series" is more of an Animated Shock Dramedy.
    • Sadist Show
  • Justified:
    • The lead characters of the series are explicitly stated to be more rude than everyone around them.
    • The show's setting is a world where Bad Is Good and Good Is Bad. Excessive swearing is considered polite, and being crude is normal, or even encouraged.
  • Inverted: "Alice and Bob: The Series" is an adorable live-action show rated TV-Y.
  • Subverted: "Alice and Bob: The Series" revolves around shock comedy in its first few episodes, but this was just a case of Early-Installment Weirdness.
  • Double Subverted: Which later comes back.
  • Parodied: The first few moments of "Alice and Bob: The Series" are the lead characters asking the viewer if they expected a tame animated series, before cussing them out and telling them to watch something else if that answer is yes.
  • Zig-Zagged: Some episodes of "Alice and Bob: The Series" take on a more crude tone, while some avoid having this tone.
  • Averted:
    • "Alice and Bob: The Series" is a work for children.
    • "Alice and Bob: The Series" is an adult series that avoids putting in too much crude content.
  • Enforced:
  • Lampshaded: "Why does every day of our lives involve us dealing with rude assholes?"
  • Invoked: Alice and Bob hear that cartoons are considered "kiddy", so they decide to act as crudely as possible to challenge that belief.
  • Exploited: Because of the series' high age rating, the characters realize how much they can get away with saying and doing.
  • Defied: "We're not going to be like Family Guy here."
  • Discussed:
    • "And you said cartoons were for kids."
    • Someone actually thought the euphemism "adult situations" meant "stuff like doing your taxes" and made a dead-serious adult cartoon
  • Conversed:
    • "Why do so many adult animated shows try to be as outrageous as possible?"
    • "The ironic thing about these shows is that they're rated NC-17, but only a 12-year-old could appreciate the poop jokes, swearing, and excessive violence."
  • Deconstructed:
    • The series deconstructs common tropes associated with the genre, such as Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist. Alice and Bob are unlikable characters, and as such, nobody cares about them.
    • Alice and Bob: The Series has two equally-disruptive potential problems by using shocking moments as comedy: either anything controversial enough to warrant viewing has been done already, or it's too shocking and controversial and the Moral Guardians drop on the show like a flock of vultures riding a Texas-sized meteor and the show gets Cut Short.
  • Reconstructed: But it also reconstructs some - the show is also about Alice and Bob learning to be better people.

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