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Nightmare Fuel / Undertale the Musical

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"What's the matter? Did you fall dooooown? No, no, no...DON'T GET UP!"
  • Flowey. Everything about Flowey. The fact the instrumentals of his songs and his voice don't sound all that menacing (except when Flowey breaks out his demonic side) just makes it even more terrifying. And then there's Omega Flowey, who manages to be more of an Eldritch Abomination than in canon.
    • Speaking of Flowey, in "Floweytale" we get a horrific image of Chara's shadow towering over Flowey with a sinister smile. It's even creepier than it sounds.
  • Megalovania: Sans stays pretty calm and in a state of Tranquil Fury in the game proper, here? Sans' emotions are all over the place, with octaves jumping, lowering, spiking, and his voice going from jovial, to emotionless, to seething hatred. It gives the impression that after everything — especially Sans remembering the Pacifist Run — he's seconds away from a complete and total psychotic break.
  • But Nobody Came. The ominous drone that was the original song is turned even more terrifying by the melancholy chorus singing about everyone dying and the utter lack of any visuals whatsoever.
    • In the moments before "But Nobody Came", they manage to capture Flowey begging for his life to chilling magnitudes, only for him to be coldly cut down.
    • How curious. You must have misunderstood. SINCE WHEN WERE YOU THE ONE IN CONTROL?
    • Which is then followed by ten uncannily long minutes of silence — the exact same amount of time you have to wait for when you make a Deal with the Devil after a Genocide run.
  • Really, Chara's — or rather, the Fallen's — voice qualifies, since instead of the Creepy Child voice common in Fanon, it's deep and full-on demonic. Then again, it makes sense as at that point, it isn't Chara anymore. Their Jump Scare is also accompanied by violent, guttural screams layered over each other that legitimately would not sound out of place in a horror movie, and their vicious speech to the viewers drips with Tranquil Fury.
    The Fallen: We sang about it. We celebrated their deaths.
  • The final chorus of "Undertale" has those chilling lines set to triumphant music: "Do not fear / Freedom's come / With your death / We'll see the sun." No matter how friendly the monsters are, and no matter how much they like you, ultimately they still want you dead and your SOUL harvested so they can be free of the Underground at last. It's Nothing Personal...
  • While THE WORLD REVOLVING got a very catchy lyrical adaptation, it also highlights just how far off the deep end Jevil was pushed, with him speaking in literal circles, contextualizing "I can do anything!" to mean "there is no real consequence", making frequent reference to an upcoming terror, and at one point managing to sing four separate sets of lyrics at the same time.
    Chaos, chaos, let it reign
    All these bugs are in my brain
    I see now a world gone blind
    That is how I found my mind
    We're created just to die
    Mortal sin's the reason why
    You can't stop what has begun
    Might as well have so much fun
  • For BIG SHOT, we get a slightly more jovial and off-the-wall song, but befitting Spamton's brand of derangement, it bounces back and forth from goofy ranting to the cries of a madman, and unlike Jevil, Spamton has two separate voice actors; Juno (who performed his own cover for his channel) and Tom Previte (the voice of Gaster in the Genocide Pack] trading in and out at complete random.
    Now's your chance, so pick up that [phone]
    And talk to the one who says [✡︎□︎◆︎🕯︎❒︎♏︎ ♋︎●︎□︎■︎♏︎]note 
    And see [like me] how we're designed
    [For three easy payments of $9.99]
    Do you want to be a [Heart] on a [Chain]
    This isn't a life, Kris, that's just [PAIN]
    You're either evil, or you're insane
    'Cause [Heaven] knows, but they won't explain!
