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Nightmare Fuel / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem

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As a Nightmare Fuel page, all spoilers are unmarked as per wiki policy. You Have Been Warned!
"6'n the morning' police at my door."

While Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem is a fun adventure, don't let your guard down into thinking there won't be moments like these.

  • Superfly. Don't get us wrong, he is a hammy fellow (courtesy of Ice Cube) and does have the qualities of being a Tragic Villain, but he is no slouch when it comes to being the feared leader of a gang of mutants.
    • He isn't pretty to look at, to begin with. His left arm in particular is unnervingly human though his middle two limbs also function as arms and are still buglike. When outlining his evil plot, he emphasizes the soft 's' twice by buzzing in an intimidating manner.
    • Just the sheer fact that anyone who sees him in person has just written their death sentence. Probably the best example is in a Gory Discretion Shot with three thugs who tried to rob a necessary machine component under coercion from Superfly. While it was necessary to get the part from the police blockade that surrounded the getaway vehicle, just the fact that he took the thugs back to the mutant's hideaway and deliberately revealing himself before them highlights how much joy he takes from killing humans under any excuse.
    • His endgame? Releasing the mutagen into Earth's atmosphere, allowing all fauna (excluding humans) to become the dominant species, whereupon they will be the ones subjugating humans instead. He outright suggests having "redhead shows" (instead of dog shows), and even "fat booty boy races".
    • SuperDuperFly, his final form in the movie's climax. A Bishōnen Line final form he, is, not. We're not gonna sugarcoat it, he looks outright hideous. To begin, he's crushed under his mutagen launcher, and in the process fuses with a whale. And then he slams his body into a zoo and fuses with every animal present. Or, more accurately, their body mass melds into Superfly and becomes his limbs. And all of them are still alive and moving, and most likely in complete agony. The turtles', Splinter's, and the other mutants' horrified reactions are justified.
  • Despite all of the hilarity that ensues in the Final Battle, it's the moment where SuperDuperFly has the turtles in his grasp that it becomes terrifying.
    • After a failed attempt at reaching the fly monster's Achilles' Heel, the turtles are in SuperDuperFly's grasp, and Splinter has been backhanded several blocks away, twisting and breaking his leg in the process. Once he's out of commission, SuperDuperFly puts all of his focus on the quartet, and slowly increases the pressure on his grip, cracking their shells in the process. Splinter himself being Forced to Watch due to his broken leg, witnessing the beginning of the four's demise, likely invoked his PTSD from the night they were in Times Square. Were it not for April's broadcast motivating the citizens of New York to likewise risk themselves to help the heroic mutants, Splinter's worst fears would have come true and there was nothing he could have done to save them.
      • Worse, that SuperDuperFly focused on targeting the Turtles alone despite Splinter also opposing him shows how much joy he's taking from paying them back for ruining his mutagen ray plan, underscoring how monstrous his Fantastic Racism towards humanity has made him.
  • Cynthia Utrom. Her very action to seize Stockman's research on the ooze is what kickstarts everything, from Baxter's death to Superfly and his gang being forced into isolation to Splinter and the Turtles becoming who they are. She continues to play this role in the present day, with her and TCRI fighting tooth and nail to reverse engineer Baxter's mutagen for their agenda.
    • When she reveals to the Turtles what she wants from them, it makes a certain Running Gag go from funny to disturbing now that it comes to fruition.
      Cynthia: What I want, is, your, blood. (starts to get giddy) And there is only one way to get it.
      Mikey: (realizes) Oh no!
      Leo: (in disbelief) I can't believe it...
      Raph: She's gonna—
      Cynthia: Hook them up to the milking machine!
    • Silly name aside, the Mega Milker 2000 "milks" the Turtles through their shells (i.e. their blood), which is visibly painful for Mikey and Raph. She also gives them electric shocks when they speak out or even express confusion about their circumstances.
      • On top of that, the way they went about milking their blood was done by collecting small droplets of it one brother at a time instead of draining all of them at once or siphoning large amounts. Meaning she chose to do it like this for practically no other reason than to make them suffer.
    • Her voice (in which Maya Rudolph mimics Pat Fraley's Krang voice from the 80s cartoon), last name, and appearance are all red flags that indicate that she is a rogue Utrom or even Krang. The movie doesn't answer this, making your guess as good as ours right now.
  • Seeing Splinter's transformation is a distressing scene. His hand is shown contorting and his bones are heard cracking. The rest is shown in a Shadow Discretion Shot with him giving an agonized yell for good measure.
  • While the ending has an aura of positivity with the Turtles being accepted by humanity, it's when we cut to them at the prom being spied on by Cynthia that it becomes Mood Whiplash. It becomes much clear by the end that her next plan for capturing them involves bringing in a certain feared ninja overlord...
    Cynthia: Well, it appears that finding these creatures will be easier than I thought. Capturing them on the other hand, might prove difficult.
    Spider: There is one option.
    Cynthia: Yes, I know. Bring me... The Shredder.
