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Nightmare Fuel / Spirit Halloween

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Seeing as this is the point of their props, almost all of them qualify. Here are a few notable examples.

  • An early example would have to be 2007's Ghost Girl with Head, a variant of the "Donna the Dead" animatronic by Gemmy Industries. While the original Donna the Dead was meant to be a cheesy parody of the Stringy Haired Ghost Girls from The Ring and The Grudge, this one is rather disturbing. She wears a black gown instead of her usual white nightgown, and she holds a knife in one hand and the bloody, soulless-looking severed head of a man in the other. When she's activated, she sways back and forth while moaning, as an eerily simplistic piano tune could be heard in the background. Brrrrr...
  • 2011's, Eaten Alive is the armless, still-living torso of a man being devoured from the inside of his chest cavity by an enormous rat as he screams and groans in agony. Ouch.
  • Peek-a-Boo Penny. She's a figure of a blonde girl in a light blue dress, holding gloved hands in front of her face. When activated, she starts reciting the "trick-or-treat" rhyme, but in the middle, she says "Uh-oh." and her shriveled skeletal head pops up quickly from behind her hands with a loud scream. Nobody expects it, and the official video scared a lot of viewers. Sometimes she malfunctions and her head comes popping off!
  • The Deady Bear prop is very unnerving. It's a slumped-over teddy bear holding a knife in his stomach. When activated, it sits up, moves the knife up and down inside it, and moves his head and mouth, all while wailing and laughing in a demonic baby voice, before slumping back down with a bone-cracking sound.
  • On a similar note. the Deady Teddy. It's a bloody black teddy bear with a skull-like mouth bursting out of its face and a hole in its stomach where its heart has come out, which it holds. When activated, the bear nibbles at it while talking to you.
  • Another one is the Peek-a-Boo Bear. He sings some cute songs, then uncovers his face to reveal sharp teeth and glowing red eyes while speaking in a demonic voice.
  • Lunging Lily. She's a little girl kneeling on the ground holding a teddy bear. When activated, she asks her Mommy to help her several times, then she quickly leaps forward to a standing height. While she resets, demonic voices can be heard. There is a similar one called 'Rosemary Zombie Girl' that holds a BRAIN instead.
    • Hell, all of the lunging and pop-up animatronics could count as this. Who DOESN’T get jumpscared by the jumping spiders these days?
      • Let's not forget the rising creepy doll. She resembles a statue with flashing blue eyes speaking in a high-pitched voice. Eventually, she grows, her mouth becomes larger, her voice is demonic ("YOU LOOK GOOD ENOUGH TO EAT!"), and her eyes flash red.
  • The Twitching Banshee is a ghoulish woman with choppy hair, glowing eyes, and a mouthful of sharp teeth. Since her jaw, head, and arms are loose, they flop around quite disturbingly while she thrashes at the waist and screams. She also has no volume control. Sweet dreams!
  • The Haunted Mantle Clock's a bit cheesy in design, but its sinister phrases all invoke the very real fear of mortality and time.
  • Coatrack Monster. It looks like a normal coatrack until the monster uncovers itself and jumpscares you.
  • The Animotion masks. There’s a rabid raccoon, a menacing panda, and a bloody-toothed teddy bear to name a few. They’ll definitely make you think twice before picking up a stuffed animal.
  • There are a couple of props in the shape of a high-voltage switchbox and a first-aid kit. When turned on, the alarm will sound. The door will then fly open, revealing severed faces and fingers inside.
  • 2017's Levitator Girl has a very disturbingly detailed face with blank white eyes, scars, and an unnaturally wide mouth.
  • Spirit now sells video projection DVDs produced by AtmosFX. The jumpscares in "Unliving Portraits" and "Bone Chillers" are enough to keep you up at night. Thank goodness Bone Chillers has a family-friendly mode where the skeletons just play jokes and perform music.
    • The zombies punching through the wall and lurking by the window in "Zombie Invasion" are paranoia-inducing.
    • There's one supposedly "family-friendly" DVD where trick-or-treaters shapeshift into monsters and scream at another monster. It’s as unexpected and weird as it is pants-shittingly scary.
    • Not very jumpscary, but "Shades of Evil" has a guy get his head ripped off by a skeletal zombie and another guy HANGING HIMSELF. Definitely do not buy these for the kids.
    • At least one of the killers in "Night Stalkers" appears to be undead, further adding to the "oh shit" factor. Those women are absolutely fucked.
    • Also in "Shades of Evil", the couple stabbing each other can hit way too close to home for domestic abuse victims. Plus, if you weren’t already afraid of vampires, you will be after watching. The girl just thuds to the ground, so she was likely drained to death.
    • In "Blood Walls", watching the room leak blood while sinister messages are scrawled is bad enough, but it gets worse when the blood starts to splatter while a chainsaw is heard...
  • Mourning Gory is a zombie woman dressed in funeral attire holding an umbrella. The umbrella has a panel missing, which spins around to reveal her ghastly face. The animatronic is quite tall, so don’t buy this if you have children short enough to see under the umbrella.
  • 2018's "Dead Harvest Farmhouse" theme first implemented walkthrough attractions to Spirit, and it made one hell of an impression. Once inside the farmhouse, you travel through nothing but darkness, creepy noises and ominous messages written on the walls illuminated by blacklights. No other animatronics are present, save for Lost Her Way. As soon as you find the exit and are about to head out, a sensor triggers a loud scream as one final scare!
  • 2019's "The Collector". While Spirit has its fair share of grim reapers, this one is quite disturbing. He talks about how "you aren't special because you're human" in a demonic voice, while the bag he's holding begins to twitch. The bag is large enough to fit an adult human or two...
  • Let's just say that blacklights and hammer-happy murderous clowns are never a good combination.
  • Demonic Dahlia and Jack Straw in 2019, two seated props that pop up to full standing height on their feet. Guaranteed to startle someone standing too close.
  • In 2019's "Reaper's Wharf" store display, there was a walkthrough section where the audience were subjected to such lovely digital imagery of sharks, eels, and tentacles slamming into the windows of "aquariums," while one LCD screen featured a scuba diver getting swarmed and eaten by piranhas. We even get to see the poor schmuck's bloodied, skeletal corpse sink to the bottom of the bone-littered sea floor.
  • 2020's Harvester of Souls, a hooded demon-like monster that lifts up a young girl to his face and sucks out her soul while proclaiming that it's his forever.
  • 2020's Miss Mercy, a nurse who spins her head around 360 degrees complete with a sickening sound of cracking bones to go with it.
  • 2020's Nightcrawler is a ghoulish, spider-like monstrosity with an elongated jaw, red eyes, apelike feet, and is crouched in an unnatural position. He’s supposed to lift his head up and jumpscare anyone who walks by.
  • 2021's Henry Hustle. He starts off looking like a companion to Waving Wally...but it turns out he's much more like Penny as his head and collar pop up to reveal his true monster head underneath. It's equally, if not more unexpected to Penny's scare, and has the advantage of invoking a prior prop who was very much not a startler to disarm the viewer.
  • 2022's Gerry is a hatchet-wielding zombie with his right arm nearly hacked away. That's not the scary part, though. One of his two "phrases" features generic zombie groans and growls, while the other includes him screaming "Please... Help me... HELP ME!" in a desperate and pained voice that sounds disturbingly realistic.
