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Nightmare Fuel / How I Became Yours

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  • Those half-headed spirit monsters that chase Azula through the Spirit Realm are freaky. They intend to make her Deader than Dead, and chase her through a dark, thick forest while mimicking the voices of both her younger self and of Ozai, the latter shouting for Azula to come to him immediately.
  • Mai's Tears of Blood as Katara murders her. The way the comic is drawn also makes it appear that her eyes have been crushed into bloody pits.
  • The confrontation between Mai and Katara. The way Mai's eyes are drawn come off as soulless and almost demonic as she readies herself to kill Katara, pulling off a Slasher Smile as she flings her knives at both Katara and Azula. Katara then slips into this herself as she coldly and deliberately bloodbends Mai to death, a Death Glare on her face as she watches Mai's body contort and twist.
  • The bedroom scene with Toph and Aang, already described under Fridge Horror. On top of that, Aang's very young face is pasted on to a character from Bleach with a long, slender body, making him look creepily very disproportionate, not to mention that his face seems to be stuck in a permanent Slasher Smile.
