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Nightmare Fuel / Ex Machina

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The Film
  • Nathan's facility experiences frequent power outages. Whenever it happens, everything becomes saturated with a bright red light and all the doors automatically lock. Sweet dreams.
  • Caleb discovering the full extent of Nathan's AI experiments.
  • Nathan's murder at the hands of his creations, Ava and Kyoko. The look on his face says it all.
  • Caleb's fate at the end of the movie: trapped inside Nathan's room at the bottom of his facility and left to die by Ava. He tries to access the computer, only to immediately trigger a power outage. Cue the red light, except this time it's not going out. The last we see of Caleb, he's behind the door, screaming frantically and trying futilely to break the glass, not producing a single sound on the other side. While the film doesn't show what happens to him, he's now hundreds of miles from help with no one coming to look for him, with the implication (but not confirmation) that he'll never make it out alive.
  • Kyoko's fate at the end of the movie. Nathan punched Caleb hard enough to render him unconscious for a few minutes. Afterwards, he punches Kyoko in the same manner, taking her jaw out and making her "drop dead" for good, but is this the case? Perhaps the punch was hard enough to shatter her "brain" (thus "killing" or "deactivating" her), or... perhaps it simply severed its connection to the rest of Kyoko's body, putting her in a And I Must Scream position for the foreseeable future).
  • The implications of the ending. Ava, an incredibly lifelike AI with a talent for manipulation and full access to the In-Universe version of Google, escaping into the human world. Whether or not she has any morals whatsoever is left entirely unclear, but she has at least shown a willingness to kill humans in order to preserve her own life. She can also tell how people are feeling based on their facial expressions. And now she's practically indistinguishable from an actual human being.

The Comic

  • There are many onscreen gore shots in this series, one that stands out in particular is on a homeless man being eaten alive by rats.
  • A woman's mind getting tainted by a broken shard of an artifact who cuts off her own arm, and murders her own husband, son and pet dog, leaving their bodies in the sewers.
  • The series of graffiti images on the subways that create a moving picture when seen from inside the subways. One passenger stabs her eyes out when seeing them.
  • The Makers, technological demonic monstrosities that gave Mitchell and others superpowers, so that they could help them take over the world. They've traveled across many dimensions, conquering many earths.
  • A woman sets herself on fire to protest the jailing of her son over a minor drug charge.
