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Nightmare Fuel / Evil Dead Rise

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As a Nightmare Fuel page, all spoilers are unmarked as per wiki policy. You Have Been Warned!
   "Mommy's with the maggots now."   note 

While Evil Dead Rise has more humour than its predecessor, do not go into the film thinking that they toned down the Bloodier and Gorier aspects.

Lee Cronin's second film is a big outlier to his previous film. Where that one was a psychological thriller, this one is nothing short of a gorefest. Not for the faint of heart or the weak of stomach.

Note: To avoid repetition, characters who have become Deadites will have their name coloured red (Ellie, for example) beyond their moment of reanimation.

This page is going through a clean-up.

  • The Deadites are probably the most dangerous they've ever been in this one. In the previous films, dismemberment was a reliable impediment to either slowing them down or (in the 2013 film's case) a ritualistic way of exorcising the demon. Here? They can just reconstitute, Necromorph-style, and keep coming. They really weren't kidding when they said all you can do is run in the face of a Deadite.
  • Despite there being only one Deadite, it's the claustrophobia factor that takes that concept and amplifies it ten-fold. Imagine being stuck in a run-down high-rise apartment, especially in one single small unit, with a monster that's determined to get you. Basically making this film a more supernatural, grittier version of Alien. Imagine being trapped in your house with a Xenomorph that can think and reason like a human being. And that looks like your mother.
    • Alyssa Sutherland does an incredible job playing the Deadite, with special mention going to her facial contortions and all of the horrific facial expressions she nails that will guarantee sell the idea of how incomprehensible the Deadites are to humans.
  • The movie's opening, while not tied to the plot, sets the tone for the story as a whole: gory, and terrifying.
    • Jessica's behaviour is already erratic by the time we see her in the cabin. But when she recites passages from the book Teresa is reading in a deep voice which grows louder as the sentences are read, Teresa yells at her to stop. Jessica falls over, and she vomits a torrent of white fluid, seemingly killing her. When Teresa checks for a pulse, Jessica wakes up, grabs Teresa by the ponytail, and scalps her in one fell swoop.
    Jessica:    "Who's the brainless meat puppet now?"    *scalps Teresa*
    • When Jessica grabs hold of Caleb's drone, she slams the thing in her face, sending her into the water, and prompting a panicked Caleb to jump into the lake and save her. This results in Caleb's death as his severed head is thrown on the dock.
    • To cap it off, Jessica rises slowly, out of the water, into the air, as the title drops in the horizon behind her. Even though she's only one Deadite, it effectively sells the blood-curdling terror of encountering something in the shape of a human, but beyond your comprehension.
  • The earthquake scene is a mildly distressing one, as Danny, Bridget, and Kassie are all in the parking garage as it happens. While they thankfully emerge from it no worse for wear due to seeking shelter, the quake does open up a hole that leads to the vault where the Naturom Demonto is.
  • Speaking of which, the Naturom Demonto itself. While the design is less conspicuously flesh-like than in previous movies, it does come with a new chilling detail: it has teeth. A row of quill-like fangs that clamp it shut. When Danny accidentally cuts himself while trying to pry it open, it accepts this as a blood offering and opens itself right in front of Danny and Bridget.
  • Ellie's possession is just gruesome. First, the disembodied Deadite traps her in the elevator, taunting her with loud noises to put her on edge. Then it forcefully rips off her earring, and the wires come in. It tries to hang her with them, and when she tries finding leverage, it grabs the rest of her limbs and contorts them till a snap goes off and the power fizzles out. By the time Ellie comes back to the apartment, she looks like she'd been beaten to death. Considering what's happening to her, that would have been a mercy.
  • The scene when Ellie comes home, looking like hell, and dazily walks over to the stove, staring into space. Then she turns on the stove and begins to toss eggs into a pan (and some of them have blood in it) with the shell and all. When she speaks, she mumbles in the beginning, stumbles over the word "melodies", before speaking more fluently when talking about wanting to cut her family's bodies open and climb inside them.
    • Then she has a seizure, drops the pan, and fearfully tells her that "It's in me", before the Deadite regains control, and she vomits a torrent of white fluid, and with her final breath, begs Beth not to let "it" take her kids, before finally dying.
    • The way the scene is filmed, with Ellie crawling after her family after having trouble speaking while doing mockeries of ordinary housewife things, makes it seem like the demon finally just killed her to take over because she was Fighting from the Inside.
  • When putting Ellie in her bed, Beth gets a call from her. When she answers, it seems to be initially a voicemail, but then it changes to Ellie crying out for help and that she is "burning alive". This is truly disturbing as it would imply the real Ellie, her soul, is damned.
    Ellie (voicemail): "Hey, Bethy-boo. It's Ellie. Just, calling to say hi. And uh... Beth. Beth! You have to help me, Beth. You have to. I'm burning. I'm burning alive!" (*phone cracks*)
    • The Fridge Horror makes this all the more horrific. Is this the real Ellie calling out for help in Hell, or is the Deadite using her voice as an illusion to further terrify Beth? For Ellie's sake, let's hope it's the latter.
  • Immediately after, they notice she's suffering from hyperpyrexia, and try to cool her off in the bathtub. But when they put her in, her eyes roll back in her head, she starts thrashing around, and then flies upward, clinging to the ceiling. She's officially been fully possessed by the Deadite (note the changed eyes), and the first thing she does is let out a blood-curdling, inhuman scream that isn't just loud enough to crack the mirror, but also raise the bathwater's temperature from cold to a violent boil.
    • When she stops, she falls back in, and slowly rises out to let out a terrifying grin at Danny and Beth (as pictured above). Then this exchange happens.
    Danny (quietly scared): "Mom?"
    Ellie:    "Mommy's with the maggots now."   
  • The hallway massacre is all kinds of messed up. The deaths, the camera movements especially.
    • Gabriel is attacked by Ellie first, and she violently bites into his face, taking out his eye. And still survives. He's only killed when she rips a huge chunk of flesh from his neck.
    • Ellie spits out his eyeball, which in turn is lodged into Jack's throat, and he chokes to death on it despite Scott's help.
    • Speaking of Scott, he runs away, but she catches up to him and eviscerates him offscreen, with his corpse revealing that both of his arms were ripped from his body.
  • Mr. Fonda does fight back, but when he lets his guard down for even a split second, he too is violently murdered.
    • All in all, despite there being only one Deadite, it is an incomprehensible force to be reckoned with, a monster that cannot be reasoned with, and only takes pleasure in creating chaos.
  • Bridget tends to her cheek wound caused by Ellie, but when she uses one of the mirrors to check on it, black veins are visible and extending and black liquid exits her orifices. She tries to drink some water, but she vomits up black sludge and maggots, coupled with the disembodied voice of the demon summoned by the prayer recitation calling out to her.
  • When Kassie lets go of Ellie's arm after she was manipulated into opening the door, Ellie loses all semblance of sanity and lashes out, furiously banging on the door, and shouting obscenities on the other side. It's a pretty stark contrast to the Deadite's calculating mindset in the beginning.
    Ellie:    "Open the door like you open your legs you stinking groupie slut!"   
  • We're introduced to Bridget eating a wine glass. We even get a close-up shot of glass shards almost poking through her throat as she swallows a mouthful. It's a very visceral image, and what she says after sells the horror.
    Bridget:    "I gotta kill the creepy-crawlies that I got inside my tummy.    (*swallows broken glass*)    I don't like having things inside my tummy. Ha ha ha... Do you, Auntie Beth?"   
    • Dear god, the cheese grater. Bridget grabs a hold of it, and she scraps Beth's leg with even the strands of shredded skin hanging off the grater.
    • Kassie uses Staffinie to impale Bridget through the head, but she removes it from her head, and all it does is temporarily stun her.
  • When Ellie realizes that Beth is pregnant, she smiles in sadistic glee despite Beth's pleas. Ellie's response to that plea?
    Ellie:    "Ellie waits in Hell for you and your unborn bastard baby."   


  • Everything about the “Marauder” form at the climax of the film: Deadite Bridget and Danny dig into the sides of their possessed mother and fuse the three of them together into a multi-limbed abomination that moves far too quickly and uncannily for its bulk and horrific conglomeration of bodies. It’s kept mostly hidden except in glimpses at first, the hand it runs across a car window eerily recognizable as once belonging to one of the teens, but is seen in full during the final fight with the wood chipper.
