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Nightmare Fuel / Death Battle Arena

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  • It shouldn't come as a surprise that Carnage is full of these, particularly in his quotes where he threatens to kill his opponents in some very gruesome ways. The ones he has against either younger opponents and animal & animal-like characters are especially disturbing.
  • Alex Mercer brings his own brand of horrors, such as his Lovecraftian Superpower fueled by consuming people. Much like Carnage, he expresses some curiosity on devouring his opponents to see if he would gain their powers.
  • The fact that there is the possibility of close characters gruesomely murdering each other (Sonic doing a Fatality on Tails, Mario killing Luigi or Peach, etc).


  • In traditional Mortal Kombat fashion, some of the fatalities are described as being extremely gruesome and violent. It's bad enough in a game full of gritty hardened warriors, but the thought of these horrific fates befalling beloved childhood icons like Mario, Pikachu or Mickey Mouse, literal children like Toph, Tails or Kirby, or someone as wholesome and innocent as Caboose is just chilling.
  • Luigi, of all characters, has a surprisingly gruesome fatality where he sucks the opponent into the Poltergust, and by the time they manage to pull their head free, their internal organs are hanging from their mouths. They even try to breathe through their vomited inner workings before keeling over dead. Luigi himself is appropriately horrified by what he's done.
  • In a similar vein, Sanji has a fatality where he violently stomps on the opponent's stomach until they start vomiting, and eventually spits up their guts.
  • One of Spider-Gwen's fatalities has her sticking her hands to her opponent's body and tearing off their skin to reveal the raw bone and muscle underneath. It ends with her doing that to their face, leaving their unblinking eyes staring lifelessly.
  • Bill Cipher's A Little Rearrangement has him force his opponent to undergo countless forms of Body Horror, starting with shuffling the functions of every hole in their face just like he did with Preston Northwest (eyes become ears, ears become eyes, etc.), and going on from there. And the worse part, they may never die.
    Y'see? There are fates WORSE than death. Ain't that FUN, kids?
  • Due to the Doctor normally being against killing, his Fury of the Time Lord Fatality can be best described as subjecting his opponents to a Fate Worse than Death that he already dealt to the Family of Blood.
    • Wrapping the opponent in chains forged in the heart of a dwarf star, forcing them to withstand the unbearable weight.
    • Falling for all eternity in the event horizon of a dying galaxy.
    • Trapped in every mirror in existence.
    • Put into suspended animation and turned into a scarecrow.
    • In short, these fatalities remind you of one thing. Never piss off The Doctor.
  • Both Galactus's and Unicron's Fatalities has them destroy not only the opponent, but utterly annihilate them on an existential level, with only their terrified screams being the only thing they can muster in response. Considering their modus operandi, to warrant a measure like that is just utterly chilling.
    • The Devourer of Worlds's Fatality does Thanos better. For Nullified, Galactus pulls out the Ultimate Nullifier and flicks the switch on the foe and they proceed to disintegrate them down to nothing. In all the multiverses, they suffer the same fate. The last shot is his face looming over the cosmos, showing just how insignificant you are compared to him.
    • The Chaos Bringer's Transcendent Tyranny has him pull power from the universe and even other versions of himself to fire a colossal beam that eradicates his opponent. Not only that, the beam will also destroy every iteration of them as well. Unicron's nothing if not thorough when he wants to annihilate an adversary.

Arcade mode

  • Lucy and Carnage's rival cutscene has them both massacring an entire asylum before confronting each other.
  • A fair chunk of the playable villains' endings in arcade ladder mode are this as they subject the multiverse to their horrors.


  • Carnage's outro against Makima implies he wiped out the population of Japan during their fight.
    "Not coming back? Guess that's the end of Japan, then!"
    • Similarly, in Nightmare's outro against Makima, his boast implies that he's claimed all the souls of Japan for the Soul Edge.
    "My intuition was right. Millions of souls are now mine!"
    • Not that the Control Devil herself is above rubbing the deaths in her opponent's (and their player's) face. Makima's outro against Kenshiro and Jotaro has her state how many had been killed in their fight.
    (Outro vs Kenshiro): "I'm already dead? Hardly. The 43 innocents who took the death blow in my stead, however..."
    (Outro vs Jotaro): "2,121 bystanders died in your efforts to kill me. You should have bowed when I told you to."
  • Oni's threat against Heihachi Mishima sounds like dialogue out of Mortal Kombat.
    "This time Mishima, I will have your head!"
  • In his intro against Superman, Bill Cipher mentions he paid a visit to Mister Mxyzptlk. We're not given the details, but that may be for the best.
    "Mxy called. He said, 'Oh lord! Stop! Please! MAKE IT STOP!' and is still screamin' by the by!"
