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Nightmare Fuel / Bomberman

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God of Chaos, Sthertoth.

  • The general appearance of Sthertoth, from Second Attack, pictured on the side of this page. He's a sort of horned, huge demon with a skull face and veiny-body. Vile Villain, Saccharine Show indeed. Never mind the fact that, in the bad ending, Sthertoth wins, meaning only Bomberman and Pommy are left alive, of the main characters. There's also his theme, an ominous, imposing piece, telling you that you're close to doomed, and giving off an atmosphere of dread.
  • Buggler's plan in Super Bomberman R: he plans to convert the sun into a black hole and use it to destroy the solar system, and eventually the entire universe. Buggler overall is quite creepy, what with being the closest thing the series has to a Big Bad, the Evil Laugh, and repeated attempts to end the world, be it through a Colony Drop or brainwashing.
    • There's also the method he uses to get the Dastardly Bombers on his side. While there was some Mind Control involved, all he seemed to do was lock away their memories of their previous life. What they saw with their own eyes waking up on Planet Scrapheap convinced them of every word after that, and it's not hard to see why. It's littered with rusted-over husks of broken machinery, and as the Dastardly Bombers presence there would imply, The background for the stage proper shows the discarded chassis of other Bombermen, many of which are wearing the colors of White's own siblings.
  • The opening of 64. The first thing you see in what would usually be a typical, happy Bomberman game is a planet being raided and destroyed by the villain, on-screen no less.
  • Altair's death in 64. He's disintergrated on-screen by Sirius, in what's a Family-Unfriendly Death, before Sirius proceeds to betray you.
  • The fact that, in Second Attack, you meet and fight GOD, who wants to recreate reality! Even once you defeat them, they say they'll come back one day!
  • The power of the Omni Cube in 64. It has the power to trap entire GALAXIES in it, and the owner can rule over it as a god. And considering who has possession of it... It's not hard to think that Altair and Sirius rule over the galaxies in there with an iron fist.
  • The reason Max is a cyborg is revealed in Bomberman Tournament: he got in a fight with Brain Bomber, who injured him to such an extent that he required cybernetic implants to live. Yeesh.
    • Also in Tournament, before the events of the game, Brain Bomber had taken over a planet and imprisoned its inhabitants, for over a year, with no freedom. He had made a plan that would only fail if Bomberman came along by chance, and he was correct! Talk about The Bad Guy Wins.
  • Bomberman Generation definitely has its fair share of freaky things.
  • The second boss of Super Bomberman is a clown face. Not scary enough? It makes a crying face when it chases Bomberman with faster movement, but it can also come out as creepy (especially for those who have Coulrophobia (phobia of clowns). Oh, and he releases sparkles in all directions, which can be interpreted as tears as mentioned in one of WhoIsThisGit's videos. It's face on defeat can be spooky too, especially given that he explodes on defeat (like other bosses).
  • The ending of Super Bomberman 3 is a case of Mood Whiplash right into Nightmare Fuel. After going through an upbeat, cheery Credits Medley of all of 1-Player Mode's catchy themes, it ends by showing that Bagura's brain has survived his final battle against Bomberman, and is now traveling through space. After the brain leaves the screen, what replaces it? A gigantic red "END" that nearly covers the entire screen, with a silhouette of Bagura in the letters, and being accompanied by some eerie alien-like beeping and gurgling before it all suddenly ends with a electronic crunch noise, as if the brain itself was trying to speak about its revenge in a short transmission. What a spooky way to end the game and leave a Sequel Hook into Super Bomberman 4.
  • The death animations of the Bomberman in general (and also some of the Game Over screens) They range from the following:
    • The original Bomber Man from the MSX (known as Eric and the Floaters in the Europe release) has the player character's head falling off from his body, with his body falling backwards and the head's color becoming Undeathly Pallor, being essentially a very Family-Unfriendly Death. Thankfully, this was the only game where such death animation happens, the latter games made more comical death animations, but still, some of the later games weren't much better...
    • Super Bomberman: If Bomberman gets killed by Collision Damage from an enemy or blown up by his own bombs, the Bomberman will get knocked up with surprised eyes and the... wait, so the eyes just disappeared from Bomberman's face, revealing that his face is a computer screen after all, that turns out dim and fizzles out into black? Yes, that was actually a thing. Worse, it's also referenced in the Continue/Game Over screen in Super Bomberman 2 where if the player chooses to not continue, Bomberman's face will completely disappear into a black screen (though the death animation in-game itself is different than from the prequel).
    • Frequently in most of the early Bomberman games, such as the NES version of Bomberman, the titular character when killed will have their belly inflated with the cross-shaped Wingding Eyes, and "POP!" Goes the Bomberman, exploding from the belly outwards. It doesn't help that in some versions of these, the belly inflation on the Bomberman before popping out can disturb some people.
