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Nightmare Fuel / Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War

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”I was still in school at the time, but I will never forget the images I saw on the news that day”.

Being one of the darkest entries in the series, it is no surprise Zero has plenty of imagery conveying the horror and destruction that war inevitably brings.

  • Mission 12 seems like just another bomber intercept mission, albeit this time the bombers are carrying nuclear ordnance. At first success looks like success, all bombers shot down without any nuclear devices initiating. But then, there's a flash in the distance and the screen goes white...
    • The story scene that would follow that mission depicted an act of malevolence that would break any hardened gamer's psyche. The nuclear detonation you just saw was followed by six more, and all of them were dropped on civilian cities. That flash you just saw was several thousand civilians dying. By the express order of their own government.
    • If you played Ace Combat 5 and happen to remember the dates of the seven nuclear detonations, loading the mission and seeing "June 6th, 1995" will send a chill down your spine.
  • Mission 11 (also known as Operation Cannibal), where you are helping Allied forces destroy/secure a Belkan Industrial center via providing escort for bombers that pretty much carpet bombing the entire place. Keeping in mind that you are literally helping cause the deaths of untold military personnel and civilians.
    "This isn't a weapons factory! What are you doing?!"
    "All facilities in the main sector have been destroyed! Damn those Allied forces!!"
