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Mythology Gag / Kamen Rider Decade

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Just about everything in the past nine years Kamen Rider franchise's entire 38-year history gets shown or referenced during the course of the show.

  • Decade's suit is basically a modernized version of Kamen Rider ZX, ZX being the protagonist of the Showa era Kamen Riders' 10th anniversery celebration.
  • Kamen Rider Diend’s transformation device is similar to Kamen Rider Drake’s, as both can be used as a gun.
  • The Final Attack Ride cards all have the Rider logos in gold, just like Final Vent cards. Quite appropriate when you got past Riders acting in the context of the mirror monsters.
  • The treasures Kaito stole from the various worlds were originally items exclusive to that series' movie (the Orga Gear, the G4 microchip, et cetera). This makes a kind of psuedo-sense when you consider that Kaito himself is from a world based on a movie continuity, Kamen Rider Blade's Missing Ace movie. This gets dropped quite quickly, but his obsession with movie continuities comes back with his Complete Form, which features movie-exclusive Riders.
  • In the World of Kuuga, the Unidentified Lifeform count indicates that this is early days for Yusuke Onodera. For context, the latest Gurongi is #9, whose original counterpart was Killed Offscreen prior to Kuuga's seventh episode. As well that, it also allows for Decade, Heisei Rider #10, to be mistaken for Unidentified Lifeform #10 by Yashiro.
  • In contrast to the World of Kuuga, the World of Agito's Unidentified Lifeform count is in endgame levels, with nary a hint of Kuuga. For context, the three Gurongi who appear in this arc are labelled #47 to #49 respectively, while Kuuga's #47 was the last Gurongi to be labelled as such, only being killed in episode 46.
  • AU!Shoichi becoming a Composite Character of all three leading Riders from Agito refers to the fact that the original Shoichi actually spent some time as G3-X, while his Agito Burning Form is a deliberately organic design meant to invoke Gills.
  • In the World of Amazon, the Dai-Shocker monsters correspond with several Beastmen from the original Geddon. Gurongi Go-Jaraji-Da corresponds with Porcupine Beastman, Lord Propheta Cruentus corresponds with Mantis Beastman, Camponotus Worm Maxilla corresponds with Ant Beastman, Makamou Bakeneko corresponds with Black Cat Beastman and Makamou Yobuko corresponds primarily with Crocodile Beastman and, to a lesser extent, Snake Beastman.
  • Also in the World of Amazon, there is a random moment where Eijiro appears holding a sunflower while wearing a gag mole nose with a sunflower at the end of it, claiming that he is Amazon's helper Mole Beastmannote  and going "chu-chu", a reference to the Mole Beastman from Amazon.
  • The title of episode 29, The Strong, Naked, Strong Guy note  is an allusion to the third episode of Kamen Rider Amazon, ''The Strong, Naked, Fast Guy!note .
  • In All Riders vs. Dai-Shocker, Yusuke gives his predecessor's trademark thumbs-up to Tsukasa before his match with Amazon.
  • Even the American adaptations get a little nod. In All Riders, when all the Riders perform a Rider Kick, you can catch RX and Ryuki appear together in the same shot performing the kick - the two Rider series at the time that became localized in America.
    • In the same vein, the climax of The Last Story begins with the appearance of Doras and a new Crisis Fortress, both of which feature prominently in Saban's Masked Rider.
