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Memes / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012)

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012)

Memetic Mutation in this series.
  • Booyakasha!
  • That which is the way the Kraang speak has become mutated by that which is known as the Internet into what is known as a meme.
  • The term "sadorable" has become extremely popular on Deviantart.
  • A certain preview for "Showdown" shows the Turtles and April having a little dance party. All three dances shown has become a bit memetic. So you know it shows Leo shuffling. Donnie and April, of all dances they could have done, doing the funky chicken. Then Raph's dance, which might be the most memetic of all.
  • "[Insert character name here] confirmed for season two!" To the point where fans will search for the most obscure characters possible to keep the joke going. It'll probably die down once season two actually comes along though.explanation
  • "I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!!"explanation
  • Buzz buzz. explanation
  • The costumes the Turtles (and April) wore in the Halloween game featured on the Nick website. Especially Raph's fairy princess outfit.
  • Raphael: KING OF ALL PIGEONS!!!explanation
  • "[X] on your [Y] if you [Z]."
  • "Bigfoot's got some moves." explanation
  • Daddy Raphie! explanation
  • This fanmade ask blog has spanned several. One post created about five at once.
    Raph (pretending to be Donnie): April's like an F5 key— She's so refreshing.
    Leo (pretending to be Mikey): OMG, you guys! Check out this giant gummy bear I found at the landfill! (Starts chewing at it wildly.)
  • Raphael and cleaning products. explanation
  • The Cheese Phone, truly an emergency!
  • "Don't Casetello me, bro!", "My Casetello vibes are tingling", and its variants to a lesser agree. explanation
  • Captain Ryan/Captain Dash Coolstar/Leonardo slapping people.
  • How did he build that? explanation
  • "Raphael is BEST Disney princess" explanation
  • SAINW, nooooooooo! explanation
  • Nightwatcher or Riot! explanation
  • Casey Jones: First psychotic human friend! explanation
  • PRAISE THE BEAN explanation
  • "Well, because I wanted us to fail. (Beat) OBVIOUSLY, I DIDN'T KNOW!"'' explanation
  • When Raph is explaining his crush on Mona.
    Mikey: "Wow, you really got a crush on that salamander hottie? She's, like, bigger, stronger, and probably a better fighter than you."
    Raph: "Exactly. What a woman." explanation
  • "Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla." explanation
