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Heartwarming / Vale's Underground

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Ruby and Blake

There are several heartwarming moments between this married couple.
  • They're still affectionate with each other in the precinct.
  • Even after the long days they have doing police work and investigating violent crimes, they tend to be affectionate at the end of the day. They even joke and have some tender sex with each other, emphasizing that they're Happily Married couple.
  • Even after the secret operation is blown, Ruby feels like an absolute failure. Blake immediately sets her straight by reminding her of all the amazing things she has done in the field and that the only reason that Cinder is giving her so much trouble is obviously because Ruby is doing the same for her.
    "If anything, the fact that she's trying so hard to stop you shows just how good a detective you are. Do you think she would've cared at all if you were just some random idiot cop that could be pushed around? Anyone else would've given up by now. Not you. The reason she's giving you trouble is that you're giving her trouble. She knows you can bust her and she's doing everything she can to prevent that. Because, like me, she knows just how amazing you are. And if she needs to cheat to make sure that she wins the game, then that means she's not a great player in the first place. You're Sergeant Rose. You are one of the best on the force. You are a fucking badass! You're anything but a failure. And I'm not just saying that because I'm your wife. I mean it."
  • Just seeing Ruby's elation when Blake gives her a piece of evidence that could get her out of doing desk-duty and putting her back on the streets. She can barely contain her excitement. Even in their jobs, they do their best to support each other.
  • They start to comfort each other when they show signs of PTSD from their jobs. When Ruby has nightmares about killing Sky, Blake tells her that she also barely copes with seeing all the death she sees. But they still find a way to help each other through their struggles.

Everything else

  • The fact that Glynda, Weiss' personal assistant, is still willing to keep her secret and keep her in the closet. And she tries her best to support her throughout this troubling time.
  • Ren is protective of Ruby when Cardin starts harassing her. It's nice to know that he has her back. Sun does the same for Blake when Cardin starts harassing her.
  • While Jaune is still oblivious it, Pyrrha's patience with him is quite nice. She risks losing money for her services just because she's in love with him. Not only that, but she is patient in regards to his deficiencies in bed. She tries to console him when he sees it as an embarrassment. She even says that Weiss would love him when he expresses feelings for her. This is especially apparent when Yang is making fun of a guy for being premature and Pyrrha tries to defend him.
  • Ozpin tends to be on Ruby's side. They both agree that Ironwood has his head up his ass and they have mutual respect over this. And Ozpin genuinely believes that she's a good cop. He is devastated when he realizes that Ruby might be investigated by Internal Affairs because he knows without a shadow of a doubt that she couldn't be corrupt.
  • Neptune clearly falls victim to All Men Are Perverts, but he's still nice enough to get Weiss' consent before having sex with her. He doesn't want it to be reluctant, and he's willing to not do it if she says no. And he doesn't know she's a lesbian. He genuinely wants her consent and even triple-checks that she's willing to do it.
  • Yang agreeing to have sex with Weiss. After hearing about her situation and knowing how much she's risking to be there, she can't turn it down. So, she agrees to provide services despite not being into girls. Even as Weiss agrees to give her money to keep quiet, Yang still sleeps with her since she knows how much she has repressed her sexuality. Weiss appreciates this so much that she gets her tickets to her concert. (On the condition that she and Pyrrha have sex with her after the show, but considering how she said even she had trouble getting the tickets, it's quite the gesture on her part.
  • Ren immediately goes to make sure Nora is okay when he finds out that a body was found somewhere he knew she would be.
  • The level of acceptance that Ruby, Ren, and Blake have for Penny when she transfers. Granted, they also think she's a weirdo, but they are still friends and look forward to working with her. Ruby and Blake even invite her over to their apartment after work and invite her to the Weiss Schnee concert.
  • Even as a criminal accomplice and a possible sociopath, Qrow recognizes that Weiss might be hiding that she's gay and knows how that is. He offers her solidarity. An act of kindness that he was not obligated to do at all. By all accounts, he didn't need to say anything and it would have served him no purpose to his criminal ends. Yet, he still did. It is especially apparent in the next chapter when it is revealed that he has to hide his sexuality from his sister to avoid her abuse.
  • For a couple of amoral criminals, Qrow and Harvey's relationship is presented in a rather humanizing light. Especially since he's helping Qrow hide from Raven.
  • As much as a Lack of Empathy Roman has, he's still helping Hazel find a transplant for his daughter. He definitely didn't have to do this, but he still did.
  • In the end, the catalyst for Weiss finally deciding to confess is the two prostitutes that she lays in between at night. A mix of guilt and their encouragement finally pushed her to break her silence.
  • A quick one is showing that Ilia's father still loves her regardless of the fact that he knows she's with a criminal.
  • After blowing up on Ilia out of stress, she calms down and expresses regret for how she acted. Ilia is incredibly understanding.
  • Seeing Hazel with his family is quite a sight. We see what he's trying to save humanizes him more than every other criminal in this story. And he does his best to console his wife about the immoral things he does to save their daughter.
  • After destroying Sun's mug in her anger, she gets him a new one without him even asking. He even said he was going to get another one later himself.
  • Pyrrha inviting Jaune to her apartment and allowing him to have sex with her for free to help him improve his skills. Yang literally said she wouldn't even have sex with anyone who wasn't a boyfriend for free. Not even in a Friends with Benefits situation. That shows how much Pyrrha cares about Jaune. (Then again, she sees him as a potential boyfriend, so that may be the reason.)
  • Even though he is hurt by Weiss lying to her, Neptune still accepts that she is a lesbian and things wouldn't work out.
  • When Weiss finally confesses to her parents, they have a chance to reconcile and they accept how their daughter is. And they apologize when they realize they unintentionally made her think that she needed to hide who she was.
