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Heartwarming / The Dogs Before Time After

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  • Pappy's story has several of these:
    • Him playing the fiddle with his cousin under the old oak tree their ancestor planted. And then them kissing, which is why as an adult Pappy never preached against homosexuality.
    • His romance and marriage with Iris, particularly when she agrees to rip out his grown-out fangs he develops at thirty-five years old, but loves and accepts him anyway.
      • Although also a Tearjerker, his acceptance of her death as affirming his Christian faith.
    • The climax of the story, when he takes Bligh up on the mountain and quotes the Bible to explain to him how much he loves him.
      • And for that matter, earlier in the story, we got perhaps the crowning moment of heartwarming: Bligh's first word as a baby. "Pappy."
  • Betsy realizing how much her father loves her, and prepared her for ambitions of future success.
  • Pappy talking to Bligh in "Ask Now the Beasts" about the strange owl-like creature he saw in the woods, reassuring his grandson nothing would happen as long as he was around:
    Pappy: "I'd never let nuthin happen ta my boy - monster or no monster."
  • Susan Anne calling out to Shane who had been watching over her in his new, half-flying squirrel form:
    Susan Anne: "You don't need to look out after me, anymore! You – you can go, be with your own kind, now!"
  • Ohawas, the Crow-Witch Woman, musing that the Native Americans and English settlers actually had a lot in common:
    "...not all of the whiteskins were bad, some of them, she told him, quite lovely, the mothers doting on their children and the husbands grieving those they lost, which was often, but such is the lot of Man, isn't it so, to lose as well as gain?"
