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Heartwarming / The Craft

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • Most of the scenes with Sarah's father. His establishing character moment is chasing off the "snake man" when he scared Sarah, and killing the snake that was left behind. Later he is seen dropping off Sarah at school telling her she doesn't have to go if she's scared.
    • When Chris shows up outside Sarah's window, he shines a flashlight in his face to confront him.
    • After Chris's death, Sarah blames herself, and her dad is shown trying to console her.
  • After Chris nearly rapes Sarah, she runs to Nancy, Bonnie and Rochelle for help. They help her get cleaned up, and comfort her. Made more heartwarming by the fact the four of them had an argument earlier.
  • Even though we don't see much of her, Nancy clearly gets along with her mother. This is shown when Nancy gives her step dad a heart attack because he was about to hit her mother. While he was having said heart attack, Nancy can be seen checking if she is alright.
    • There's also their happy excitement when they realize they are insured for $175,000.
  • Even though they barely know each other, the shopkeeper willingly helps Sarah when the other girls turn on her. Her interactions with Sarah were borderline maternal.
  • The portrait of Sarah's mother in the climax moving, hinting Sarah's mother is helping her from the afterlife.
  • The scene where Nancy is working a spell on Bonnie's scars. The desperation of Bonnie repeating "take my scars" over and over even seems to affect the normally cold Nancy, who has to turn away. Bonnie relishing in being able to dress in sexy clothing and finally having self-confidence after the scars are taken away is wonderful.
