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Heartwarming / King Crimson

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  • Gordon Haskell, the band's singer on Lizard, had known Fripp as a teenager and they'd been in bands together, the Ravens and the League of Gentlemen. He disliked his time with King Crimson and remembered the experience with great bitterness, but years and years later there was a League of Gentlemen reunion dinner, and Haskell decided against his better judgement to show up. As he was walking through the reunion venue, he met Fripp coming the other way, waltzing towards him and shouting "Respect! Respect!" and calling out the name of Haskell's most recent album. They hugged and made up. One of the reasons for Haskell's bitterness was that when Fripp issued a compilation featuring the aforementioned "Cadence and Cascade", he had Adrian Belew re-record the vocal for that version. But again, years later, Haskell was touring the USA and he gave Belew a call and had a very friendly chat, in which Belew told him that he didn't think anyone could have sung it better than Haskell did.
  • The 2022 documentary In the Court of the Crimson King suggests that the 2013-2021 lineup of the band, which will probably be the last, was also the happiest lineup, with all of the members being genuinely fond of each other:
    Fripp: This is the first lineup of the band in which there's not at least one member who actively resents my presence.
  • During the 2022 Fripp/David Singleton speaking tour, an audience member asked about how Robert met John Wetton. Robert gave a a heartfelt tribute to his late friend and bandmate who were friends since their college days in Bournemouth to the London beat scene. Fripp recounted how John was the first in line to replace Greg Lake if it weren't for Wetton getting hired by Roger Chapman's band Family. Robert also praised John as "the best voice of his generation" and compared his bass playing to Jaco Pastorius. The two kept in touch over the years, with Robert recounting John's struggles with drug abuse and the cancer that killed him. Holding back tears, he finishes his answer thusly:
    Fripp: Whenever I hear or play the opening guitar line on "Starless", there is always something for me and it's never far from John.
