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Headscratchers / Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite

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  • The battle with the Symbiote demon. Characters like Ghost Rider, and Morrigan were using fire-based attacks on it, and all it did was make the Symbiote flinch. In the comics, Symbiotes are naturally weak to fire which causes the host to be exposed. Heck, even Arthur has a fire bottle that he can throw in-game, and he doesn't even think to use it! But kudos to Frank for using car alarms to exploit its weakness to sound.
    • I'd chalk it up to the Soul Stone enhancing the Symbiote, and/or Jedah's magic giving it immunity to fire.
  • So how DOES the Sigma Virus, a rather contagious computer virus, have the ability to possess organic life when neither Ultron or Sigma have the power to do that?
    • He DOES have the Reality Stone, so he may have used it to alter or enhance its effects.
  • Wait, how did Dante manage to pass the Soul Stone to Ultron-Sigma without anyone sensing him?
    • The SOUL Stone cloaks him.
  • Throughout the Marvel Multiverse, each of its universes are Shared Universes where Marvel characters coexist and meet up on a very regular basis, but that same universe concept isn't so cut and dry for Capcom. Some of the Capcom characters are clearly from different time periods. Comparing Arthur and Firebrand to X, Zero, and Sigma is one example. Even among the characters from more modern settings, the state of their worlds contradict one anothernote . In addition, Street Fighter and Final Fight have been confirmed to actually share a universe, yet the appearances of Ryu and Haggar in MvCI don't match upnote . So, how can there possibly be a Shared Universe for the Capcom characters when they shouldn't be able to coexist for several reasons? The idea of a Capcom Multiverse makes far more sense.
    • Jedah actually explains that towards Death where in his universe, heroes cannot die and so he wants to balance both life and death. It's in fact the reason why the plot even happens in the first place. Hiryu actually confirms this towards Gamora in that he's been fighting Grandmaster Meio for a thousand years before the plot point happens. Though why heroes can never truly die in his world is a Fridge Logic in and of itself as he never explains that part.
      • This still doesn't explain why the Capcom characters that are very likely from different universes are implied to live in the same one.
    • Sigma has the Unity Engine in his lab. That device was used in Worlds Unite to unite Capcom worlds together. Likely Ultron Sigma uses that along with their two stones to do the same with Marvel world.
    • It seems as though the key factor separating most of the Capcom franchises are the varying time periods, and even then at least two of them (for example Darkstalkers and Devil May Cry) already have events that take place from the past to the present.
    • I've never played the game before, but it's pretty obvious that the Monster Hunter series takes place in a very different world then most of the Capcom games. Going with the Unity Engine mentioned above, it's likely that a Capcom multiverse was merged with a Marvel universe.
    • Its basically the same approach they take with the Project X Zone/Namco x Capcom games: all the Capcom franchises co-exist, and any contradictions are either glossed over, handwaved, or just outright ignored.
  • After the defeat of Ultron Omega, how is it that the Reality Stone stays cracked? Shouldn't have they have used one of the other stones (mainly the Time Stone to rewind it back to a form of mint-condition) in order to repair it in some way?
    • The Infinity Stones cannot affect one another (comic book lore).
  • How come that the Reality Stone resides in Capcom's world before the two universes merge? The game doesn't seem to explain it.
    • While it's true the game doesn't explain it, there are a few possibilities. Most likely Death gave it to Jedah (who was the one to breach the dimensions in the first place) who planted it in Abel City for the plan to work. Another possibility is the Worlds Collide situation. We know that Thanos has almost destroyed the Marvel universe multiple times with the Infinity Stones. It could be that a previous defeat has caused the stones to scatter in a way that one of them breached the dimension itself, like the blue Chaos Emerald did.
  • How come Grandmaster Meio went down easily despite being one of the most difficult final bosses in Capcom history and didn't call on his own minions like Solo, The Four Winds, or Juroung or summoned creatures to deal with the heroes?
    • He placed his bets on a reprogrammed Zero to deal with the opposition. Ultron-Sigma never bothered to tell Meio that X has experience on deprogramming Zero.
    • Even if he went down easily, it won't be for long, as Hiryu implied. But more importantly, is this a stealth character request?
    • Keep in mind that Meio got cut by Gamora's Godslayer. Even he does return, it will take a long time for Meio to fully recover.
  • Where the hell is Amaterasu, or Chibiterasu for that matter? Both can manipulate space, time, the elements, and the fabric of reality (Space, Time, Power, and Reality stones), which would put them on a nearly-even playing field with basically the entire story cast including depowered Thanos all at once. Plus, both are Physical Gods who would notice cosmic disturbances as they begin to occur and take action presumably sooner than any of the other heroes (assuming none of the other heroes were aware of the crossing over until Ultron had already merged with Sigma and begun their plan).
    • Reality stone-powered Ultron-Sigma virus, remember? If it can infect Thor and the Xgardians, how would Ammy or Chibi fare? In any case they would've close off their world and hope that the heroes defeat Ultron-Sigma ASAP before the virus even sets a foot in Kamiki Village. And let's not get even started if said virus infected, revived, or empowered the likes of Orochi, Yami, or Akuro.
  • "Seven-six, eight-six, nine-six." Why does Dante count like this? Is this some type of reference or something? (Never played any of the Devil May Cry games so I wouldn't know.)
    • It's likely that the six represents the number of drones Hawkeye has taken down. They did seem to be competing with each other.
  • How did Jedah Dohma know about the Infinity Stones? For that matter, how did he even reach the Marvel Universe without them?
  • So, a big part of the finale is Dante giving the Soul Stone to Ultron-Sigma and it backfires on the robot because it only works on those pure of soul. So, in the comics, how can it work on the bad guys? You could argue that Thanos was purely devoted to his goals but then there's the Hood who as Uatu pointed out, was just using the Stones to enhance his strength instead of think about what he could really do.
    • It only works on those with a soul in the first place, there’s no purity involved. It’s said as such in the flashback sequence when Thanos talks to Ultron. Ultron-Sigma is a being without a soul (Ultron is an AI while Sigma is a Reploid). He could trick Ultron-Sigma because the machine had forgotten that he couldn’t use the Soul Stone outright. X could probably harness its power for his final blast because he wasn’t actually using it for soul shenanigans, just drawing on its energy to make a big laser. Basically, the Infinity Ultron argument from What If?.
