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Funny / Who's Harry Crumb?

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  • Harry's receptionist gets a phone call at the beginning... and they just look at each other in shock that it's actually ringing.
  • Elliot has to stop Harry from playing with the egg on his desk, because it's a fossilized pterodactyl egg. There are only two known eggs like this in the entire world.
    Harry: You know, that may be worth something?
  • Harry punctuating his point by slamming his palms down on P.J. Downing's desk. Right where P.J. keeps his fish hooks.
  • Harry in disguise at the spa, as a Hungarian hairdresser.
    Harry (thick accent): I am Djour Djilios.
    Receptionist: Could you spell that please?
    Harry: I don't think so. Try it with a D.
  • Every appearance of Tim the butler, who's not even hiding how done he is with his job.
  • Harry and the Cut-and-Paste Note:
    Harry: You can have your lab inspect this note as much as you want, but they may never discover what I already know.
    Detective Casey: And what is that, Mr. Crumb?
    Harry: You find that crazy typewriter, and you’ll have your kidnappers.
  • Harry enlists the help of Nikki, who's more than eager to get the drop on her Gold Digger mother-in-law.
    Harry: It would appear your stepmother presents something of a puzzle to me, and I thought maybe you'd like to lend a hand.
    Nikki: Like what, spying?!
    Harry: No, not like spying. More like, uh, perception, or observation...
    Nikki: Like spying!
    Harry: Like spying, yes.
  • Harry reporting back to Elliot that not only does he suspect Helen Downing (Elliot's unrequited love) of being the kidnapper, but that Helen is having an affair with Vince Barnes. Elliot just sits there and seethes while Captain Oblivious Harry is just giggling in his face like a 9 year old boy.
  • Harry attempts to use lip-reading to spy on Helen and her lover. Vic asks if Helen thinks Harry knows what they're up to. She replies that Harry probably knows he has a dick but has trouble finding it. The scene then cuts to Harry bragging to Nikki that he thinks Helen is discussing his prowess as a private dick.
  • Harry takes pictures of Helen cheating on her husband. He assumes it's with her regular lover, Vince, when really it was Elliot that time. Harry gives the developed enlargements of the photos to Elliot. Elliot is initially panicked, then becomes amused when he realizes that Harry hasn't even looked at the enlargements, which clearly show Elliot's face. His amusement quickly vanishes when Harry starts talking about how, based on what he saw, "Vince" has a Teeny Weenie.
