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Funny / Truth and Consequences

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  • Chapter 2 begins with two Catholic-school students being pursued by Praying Man-Tis—an insectoid akumatized priest with No Indoor Voice. Why is he chasing them? Because the male of the two, Michel, called the priest's Biblical-themed bug cartoon "stupid."
    • When Ladybug and Chat Noir show up, Michel says, "Oh, thank God, we're saved," whereupon Praying Man-Tis screams, "OH, NOW YOU WANT TO TALK ABOUT GOD?!"
    • Praying Man-Tis continues screeching throughout the battle until Ladybug de-akumatizes him by smashing his crucifix.
    Priest: Wha...what happened?
    Chat Noir: You know the drill. Say ten Hail Mary's, four Our Father's, one Dead Parrot Sketch, and all will be forgiven.
    Ladybug: And maybe update your Bible study class.
  • Mayura's response to Chat Noir giving him advice on using animal-related puns in combat is to kick him in the face.
    "Tweet tweet, fuck you. How's that?"
  • Chat Noir criticizes Ladybug for recruiting someone who "was probably writing Gorillaz fanfiction in his underwear" to be Mayura. Said new hero blurts out a startled "Who told you about that?!", receiving looks of disbelief from the other two.
    Chat Noir: Dude, I was kidding.
  • Queen Bee is feeling ambivalent about beating up Luka/Mayura until she's told that Luka was responsible for leaving her luggage behind at the train station. Then she kicks him in the head.
    Queen Bee: You ass-truck!
    Queen Bee: I don't know, it was the worst thing I could think of!
