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Funny / The Translation in Blood

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  • Shepard's trying to figure out why a whole bunch of supplies were diverted to the Normandy and eventually goes to Hannah.
    Hannah: Leave it be. I know what's happening. Think of it as a gift, there's nothing malicious behind it. Alright?
    Shepard: (grumbles something unintelligible)
    Hannah: (in her "giving orders" voice) You want to repeat that, soldier?
    Shepard: (snaps to attention) No ma'am. (Beat) Hey, that's cheating.
    Hannah: That's my girl.
    Shepard: Is this where I make a joke about you being a rear admiral?
  • Sparatus diverting fighters on Tuchanka by telling Primarch Victus, quote, "Give her what she wants or I'll break your face with my massive star-cruiser. She's our last best hope and she's cleaning up your mess. Don't be a turd, Victus. I know where you live and I have pictures of every girl you ever shacked up with."
  • Shepard sends an email to Hannah in which she goes absolutely ballistic over Sparatus using air-quotes on her, a gesture he apparently picked up from Hannah.
