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Funny / Scooby-Doo! Frankencreepy

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  • Shaggy's response to Cuthbert Crawls' warning about Baron Von Dinkenstein's legacy.
    Shaggy: Don't worry. We'll stay away from the Baron's legacy. And his arm-acy. And his foot-acy.
  • When the burgermeister introduces himself, Shaggy and Scooby end up thinking that he's a giant burger. Scooby licks him and states that he needs ketchup.
  • The film makes heavy use of fast cuts with sound effects, à la Hot Fuzz.
  • The Overly Long Gag when the housekeeper drops the key down the neck of her dress - clinkclank - and the gang wait - clankclinkclonk- in awkward - clongclink - silence as it - clang - makes its way down.
  • The gang noting that the floorboard is so old that it's pretty noisy when someone walks on it...and then they stop, but the sounds are actually coming from the old housemaid's rear.
  • Inexplicably, and for the first time in their entire lives, Shaggy and Scooby are not hungry, with the unexpected side effect of making them totally unafraid of everything. Yes, even of the giant half-rhino-half-seafood monster.
  • Fred's increasingly traumatised reaction/flashbacks each time anyone, including himself, says "Mystery Machine".
  • Shaggy's brief summary of the stupidity of the antagonists after the reveal of them being past villains out for Revenge and somehow never realizing they could've just sold the castle's natural gas deposit for insane amounts of wealth until after blowing it up sums things up nicely enough that the whole gang cracks up.
    Shaggy: Like, you were so greedy for revenge, you forgot to be greedy for money!
  • AlexSuperFan2112 getting arrested for pointing out the film's continuity errors.
