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Funny / Pixie and Brutus

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  • Pixie squealing about how "pretty" Brutus' name is.
  • Pixie missing the point of Brutus' self-defense training and the dog's increasing exasperation. The final panel has Brutus drawing a slow breath to deal with his irritation — with his normal deadpan frown on his face.
  • When Pixie suggests a group Halloween costume, Brutus shoots down her suggestions. Until she suggests Batman and Robin. Cut to Brutus dressed as Robin and Pixie as Batman. Brutus' utter chagrin with being forced into a brightly colored, cheerful costumenote  is hilarious. To top it off, Pixie throws her Batarang and bonks Brutus harmlessly on the nose. She immediately panics and asks if he's okay.
  • Pixie "arresting" Randal...with a little backup.
  • Brutus' very slow realization and dawning horror as he figures out Pixie is watching A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984). His response: headbutt the TV and shatter its screen.
  • Pixie discovers her claws.
  • Pixie sees a photo of Brutus as an eager rookie and gushes about how cute and little he was back then. Immediately, Brutus gets unusually ruffled and protests that he couldn't help it. Finally, he grudgingly mumbles, "Yeah, I guess I was cute... Whatever."
  • After Brutus sees Hugo (the St. Bernard) getting bullied by Randal Raccoon, he asks Pixie if he gets bullied frequently. The conversation that follows is one misunderstanding after another.
    Pixie: Lola says it's because he's a "marshmallow". I think it's because he's white and brown, like a roasted marshmallow.
    Brutus: Uhhhh... I think she means to say that he's "soft".
    Pixie: But...that's not his fault! Some dogs are just fluffy!
  • After kidnapping Pixie and succumbing to Cuteness Proximity to the point of deciding to adopt her instead, the eagle who's taken her explains to her eaglets that Pixie is their new sister and not food. One of the eaglets tries to take a bite anyway...only for its mother to reappear and annoyedly insist Pixie is not food.
  • The author has started a line of Halloween comics with Brutus as a gargoyle of some fashion and Pixie as a witch. Pixie's first on screen spell turns Brutus into a bunny rabbit. And Pixie cannot make the connection, asking who he is.
  • Pixie had a dream that she and Brutus went to the moon on a flying chipmunk.
  • Randal loves his new costume.
  • Pixie and Brutus's owner prepares to take Brutus for a walk, but has trouble finding him. One of the places he check is the kitchen cabinet before realizing that Brutus wouldn't be there.
    • In the end the owner find Brutus laying down with Pixie sleeping on his back.
  • The crossover with Litterbox Comics deliver.
    • Pixie apparently "just showed up". Vincent thinks that's how babies happen.
    • Upon hearing a knock at the door, Fran assumes that it's Pixie's mother coming to pick her up. It's Brutus, whose Face of a Thug promptly terrifies Fran. Vincent, on the other hand, thinks his scars are cool and wanted to know whether he was a gangster or got bitten by a zombie. Bemused, Brutus looks on, holding a very sugar-high Pixie, complete with Motor Mouth.
    • Fran's attempt to save face. All the while, Pixie continues to squirm in Brutus' arms and demand candy.
    Fran: (covering Vincent's mouth) Ahahaha! Welp, getting late! Time for bed!
    Brutus: (checking his watch) It's... only fifteen hundred hours... note 
    Fran: Let's get those teeth brushed! Nice to meet you sir!
    • The bonus panel features Vincent informing Pixie that his dad could beat up her dad. Bear in mind that Brutus is a muscular veteran and Joel has a dad bod. Just out of sight of the other three, Joel is sipping his coffee and trying to get out of frame.
  • Pixie spots a bat sleeping in a tree, and Brutus takes the opportunity to teach her some bat facts. However, after a moment he is interrupted...
    Bat: (off-panel) Did YOU know that bats are NOCTURNAL! As in, we SLEEP during the day, hint hint!
    Brutus: Right. We'll leave.
    • In the same strip, Brutus being very disgruntled at himself for knowing the difference between a unicorn, Pegasus, and an Alicorn.
      Brutus: Why do I know this stuff?...
  • The story behind the page image: Pixie takes the time to tell Brutus that she forgives him for an earlier incident where he accidentally hit her in the face with his tail. When he points out that he assumed that she'd already forgiven him, she says that she's forgiving him again. Because forgiving someone for making a mistake is the right thing to do. Brutus immediately asks her what she did. Cue the next panel...
    There is a shovel stabbed through the TV. Brutus just wordlessly stares at it for a Beat Panel.
    Pixie: Are you mad?
    Brutus: I WOULD be if I wasn't so curious how ya even did this in the first place.
    • The next comic explains what happened: Pixie is convinced that there's some kind of treasure in a perfectly smooth and round rock embedded in the back yard. Her brilliant plan to crack it open? Have Gerald drop a shovel on it. From 30 feet up. Upon which it ricochets off and shatters a window as it flies into the house.
    Pixie: ... What are the chances that didn't break anything?
    Gerald: Same chances as that rock being full of alien super-ooze.
  • Lola learns the hard way that Brutus is a beast at tag.
  • Pixie thinks back to when she and Brutus first met. As Brutus points out, it's not even close to how their meeting actually played out. Pixie then asks Jacko about his earliest memories, to which he cheerfully brings up a time when he fought with a seagull over some discarded French fries. Brutus and Pixie just stare for a moment, then Brutus asks if Jacko won.
