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Funny / Modestly ProphItic

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  • Mark trying to analyze the 'symbolism' of Donkey Kong Country Returns.
    Corey: What's to analyze about freakin' Donkey Kong Country?
    Mark: Well there's a lot of things. Obviously this volcano represents repressed sexual oppression.
    -the volcano erupts-
    Mark: There we go!
    Corey: Ok Mark
    Mark: That eruption is the 1960's!
  • The Running Gag that is Corey's negligence.
    Mark: So Corey, you want to tone down the negligence?
  • In episode 1 of Catherine
    Mark: I do like the subtlety here, nothing is thrown out in your...
    -the cutscene smash cuts to a petrified corpse-
    Mark: FAAAAK -beat-... That wasn't subtle.
