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Funny / Final Fantasy Dimensions

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  • In an early chapter, the player can have Sol investigate a random urn. The game will ask "Stick your head inside?" If you do, Sol will find a horrible smell and become poisoned. Apparently, it was a chamber pot.
  • One of the Mythology Gags is for each party to discover a "Dirty Magazine" item in their travels. Sol is elated until Sarah asks what it is, at which point he tries to pass it off as a "thriller" and she tells him to put it back. Nacht's reaction is Visible Silence until Alba looks over his shoulder and begins commenting enthusiastically on the contents—and then he gets rid of it.
  • Alba's list of titles for herself—Alba the Splendiferous, Alba the Marvelificent, Alba the Tremendomentous....
  • When the player is in control of Alba, she can talk to Nacht and he'll ask if she wants to take control of the ship—and then tells her that it's not happening if she says yes.
  • Alba has some suspicions about the Mask wanting to unseal the spell Meteo:
  • At Sigurd's gravestone, Sarah encourages Nacht by saying he should try to be more like Sol, and Diana interjects to say that Sol is a little too carefree.
  • When confronting Misery, Sarah's part of the Kirk Summation is that everyone has dreams, and hers is to restore Burtgang and the world to their former glory. Dusk's contribution is that "I'm more of a realist."
  • Sol calling Elder Sophia a "gaunt girl" and getting a zap from her and a scolding from Dusk. Cue flashback to the moment Dusk met her in his childhood—and he calls her the same thing and gets the same treatment.
  • Alba, testing whether or not Sol or Glaive is better for Diana, asks Sol a "hypothetical" about what he'd do if a girl was in trouble but no one else in the group wanted to help her—i.e. the situation Glaive was in several chapters ago, in which he ignored Alba and Nacht and searched for Diana anyway. Sol, clearly confused, says he'd help once he convinced the others and doesn't see any distinction between the girl and the other group members. Alba ends the quiz and cheerfully advises him to enjoy the rest of his barren days.
