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Funny / Duck Dodgers in the 24½th Century

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In a cartoon short filled with funny, this:

  • Dodgers tries to blast off in his rocket, which instead burrows itself halfway into the ground. "Whoops! Heh, Had the Silly Thing in Reverse!"
  • Setting a course for Planet X:
    Duck Dodgers: And now then, eager young space cadet, here is the course we shall pursue to find Planet X. [illustrating every detail on a clear plastic star chart of space] Starting from where we are, we go 33,600 turbo miles due up. Then west in an astro-arc deviation to here, then following the great circle seven radiolubes south by downeast. By astro-astroble to here, here, and here, then by space navigo-compass to here, here, and then to here and here. By thirteen point strato-cumulus bearing four million light-years, and thus to our destination note . Now do you know how to reach Planet X?
    Eager Young Space Cadet: Y-y-ye—oh sure.
    Duck Dodgers: [gawking at first the Cadet, then at the chart's ridiculously complex path] Well, I wish you'd explain it to me some time, buster!
    Eager Young Space Cadet: Oh, why, it's v-very simple, sir... [cuts to a look outside the ship, with various planets lettered "A", "B", "C", etc.] If we follow th-those planets, we can't very well miss Planet X!
    Duck Dodgers: [laughing] That's ridiculous! Of all the stupid suggestions! [more laughing] Hey, wait a minute... I think I've got it! I'll just bet that if we just follow those planets, we'll find Planet X! Gads... How do I do it?
    Eager Young Space Cadet: I d-d-d-don't know.
  • Marvin has pulled a Disintegrating Pistol on Dodgers, who dares him to fire since Dodgers is secretly wearing a disintegration-proof vest. Well... at least the vest doesn't disintegrate...
  • Not to mention the scene afterward, with Duck Dodgers vs. the Disintegrating Pistol... Both Marvin's and his own:
    Duck Dodgers: [appearing out of nowhere and pointing a gun at Marvin the Martian] HA-HA! Got the drop on you with MY Disintegrating Pistol! And brother, when it disintegrates, it disintegrates!!
    [Dodgers pulls the trigger of his pistol... and it promptly turns to dust in his hand]
    Duck Dodgers: Heh... Well, what do you know? It... disintegrated.
  • The first time Eager Young Space Cadet catches Marvin the Martin flatfooted:
    Eager Young Space Cadet: [handing him a lit stick of dynamite] Ha-Happy B-Bir-Birthday, you th-thing from another world, you! {disappears back into the ship]
    Marvin the Martian: [dropping his pistol] Oooo! Thank you!
  • Hard to put into words, but the bit where Duck Dodgers and Marvin send "ultimatum dispatchers" to one another is pure gold.
    [Dodgers shoots a bullet at Marvin; it stops mere inches in front of his face, and opens up to reveal a message]
    Message: Surrender, or be blown into 17,670,002 micro-cells.
    [Marvin then shoots a bullet back. Like the previous bullet, it stops inches from Dodgers's face and opens up]
    [it then shoots Dodgers in the face]
    [Dodgers sends one more bullet back, revealing another message]
    Message: OUCH!
  • How Duck Dodgers wins in the end:
    Duck Dodgers: As I was saying, buster, this planet ain't big enough for the two of us. So... [shoves Marvin off the small remains of Planet X] off you go!
