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Funny / Andy Griffiths' Just Series

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    Just Tricking 

Playing Dead

  • When Andy plays dead to wag school, his parents catch on, but they decide to humour him. So, Andy's father digs in the garden... only for Andy to realise that his father doesn't really think he's dead, because he's whistling in a conspicuously loud way.
    Andy: "I die and he whistles?"
  • A disadvantage of playing dead, Andy realises he can't really come up with a witty comeback when his mum (not noticing he's "dead") is telling him to stop laying about in bed.
  • At the end, Andy reveals that he was only pretending, only for his parents to start yelling and calling him a zombie. Then, it's revealed that that was also a prank and that they tricked him back.
    Andy's Parents: (in unison) "Just tricking!"


  • The piranha keeping track of the instances of "two", "too", and "to" in the story.
  • Andy says, "Thank God!" when dinner arrives, but the Bainbridges are hardcore Christians who think it's a sin to take the Lord's name in vain. To save face, Andy pretends he was saying grace.
  • Andy's Imagine Spot when he envisions going back to the table, trying to explain to the adults how he managed to drop his pants out the bathroom window. Then his imaginary Mr Bainbridge saying that it's happened to him a few times too and offering to lend Andy one of his trousers.


Emergency Spew Relish

  • Andy claims that his fake dog poop is so realistic, it even fools Sooty (a dog).
  • Andy claims that in his situation, all the emergency equipment on the plane is useless; what he needs is his "emergency spew relish". He then explains that it's actually corn relish, but it looks, smells, and tastes just like spew.
    Andy: "The only difference between corn relish and spew is that corn relish comes in a jar."
  • When the old woman calls Andy a "poor old thing" (falling for his lie that he has motion sickness), he thinks to himself, "She's calling me old!?"

A Terrible Christmas and a Crappy New Year

  • The premise is that Jen has some Christmas cards that read, "Have a merry Christmas and a happy New Year" with images of Santa, but Andy vandalises them to read "A terrible Christmas and a crappy New Year" and to have grotesque-looking Santas. But then, he worries that he will be put on the "Naughty" list and has a Nightmare Sequence about it.

    Just Annoying! 

Imaginary Friend

In the Shower with Andy

  • What sets off the plot is that Andy seals himself in the shower with a silicon gun, wanting to have fun in the water, only to not know how to get out.
  • Andy telling Jen that he will be out of the shower "in a minute", claiming that it's technically true; he just doesn't know which minute.
  • Andy comparing the white foam on himself to being "eaten by an enormous white fungus" and calling it cool. He then adds, "Not that being eaten by an enormous white fungus would be cool — quite uncool actually, but you know what I mean."

The Last Jaffa

    Just Stupid! 


  • Andy can tell that one guy is the store manager because "his pants are too tight. Also, he's wearing a badge that says, 'Store Manager'."
  • Andy considers using the handicapped toilet, reasoning that being "busting" is being "practically handicapped". But then, he fears that he'll make a habit out of using things meant for disabled people.
  • The pushy pencil salesman:
    Salesman: "Just one lousy little pencil."
    Andy: "I told you, I don't want a pencil! I don't need a pencil!"
  • Andy wondering if he could just stand in the middle of the fountain and pee there, pretending to be a statue.
  • When Andy asks a hippie for directions to the toilets, the hippie just makes up a location, and adds, "The journey matters more than the destination."
    Andy: "Not when you're busting, it doesn't."

Expel Me

  • Andy draws a rude caricature of Mrs. Livingstone, who asks who is depicted. When he tells her it's her, she draws a cartoon version of herself and says, "That doesn't look like me at all— this is me." She then draws a very rude caricature of Andy and says, "And here's you!".

Runaway Pram

  • The premise is that Danny was pushing Andy, who was wearing nothing but a cloth diaper over his undies, in a pram, but then accidentally let go, leaving Andy running out of control.
  • When Andy gets flung through the air in the nude, he says that it actually feels quite nice because he feels the wind on "places [he] usually [doesn't] get to feel the wind on".
  • When he ends up in the Bainbridges' pool:
    Andy: I don't know why they are looking so surprised. This isn't the first time I've appeared in front of them, without warning, without my pants.

Food Fight

  • What started the Food Fight was that an actress named Natasha's hair caught on fire, so Andy threw beer at it to put it out. Natasha, not realising her hair had been on fire, got angry at him.


  • Andy rationalising to himself that he's allowed to use the "No Fishing" sign as part of his plan to help the snail, as there's no sign that says, "Please Don't Dismantle the No Fishing Sign".


  • Andy getting into an argument with a little boy named Bradley, who insists that the ABC song goes "Ennel-mennel-bee" instead of "L-M-N-O-P".

Chubby Bubbies

  • Andy betting a million dollars, only for Danny to point out that he doesn't have a million dollars.
  • Andy sneezing with marshmallows in his mouth, causing Rosanne to think he has rabies, and one piece of marshmallow lands on Lisa, which Andy thinks looks like "what comes out the back of birds". Then, Danny starts declaring that he won because "You spew you lose, and he spewed."
    Andy: "I did not spew! I sneezed!"
  • Lisa trying to play Chubby Bubbies herself.

    Just Crazy! 


  • Andy trying to figure out exactly how long he's worn his band-aid by using a calculator, but when he tries to calculate it in milliseconds, the screen runs out of room.
  • Andy got the injury by trying to earn better grades simply by wearing glasses, due to the Smart People Wear Glasses stereotype.
  • Andy is afraid to rip off his band-aid, fearing that it'll bleed until the bathroom fills with blood to the point where he's treading blood. He then imagines his mother opening the door, causing the blood to sweep them down the street like a tidal wave... and then his mother telling him off for removing his band-aid too quickly.
  • Andy procrastinating, by going on about how he doesn't procrastinate.
  • Andy thinking that ripping off a band-aid is worse than being executed.

The Dog Ate It

  • Andy wondering if Sooty can throw up on command.
  • Andy and Danny trying to claim that Sooty likes being swung on the swing.
  • Danny saying, "Poor dog," to a tired Sooty, which then causes Andy to recap everything he's been through.
    Andy: Poor dog? What about me?
  • Finally when Sooty is sick, Andy describes it as the most wonderful thing he's ever seen.

A Crazy, Bad, Dumb, Bad, Bad, Dumb, Crazy, Bad Idea

  • Andy regretting his plan to fly with balloons and thinking it should be added to a book called Crazy, Bad, Dumb, Bad, Bad, Dumb, Crazy, Bad Ideas.


  • Andy's father becoming too keen on being a "mudman" and wanting to live his life "in the wilderness [and] in the raw".

    Just Disgusting! 

Brussels Sprouts

  • The Running Gag of Andy saying, "And when I say I [love/hate] X, I don't just mean I [love/hate] X, I mean I really [love/hate] X. And when I say I really [love/hate] X, I don't just mean I really [love/hate] X, I mean I really, really [love/hate] X. And when I say I really, really [love/hate] X, I don't just mean I really, really [love/hate] X, I mean I really, really, really [love/hate] X. And when I say I really, really, really [love/hate] X, I don't just mean I really, really, really [love/hate] X, I mean I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, REALLY [love/hate] X."
  • Andy going through what's on his plate and declaring, "Good" after listing each item, until he gets to the Brussels sprouts, at which point he declares, "Bad— five of them. Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad!".
  • Andy responding, "Probably" when asked if he's going to be silly all his life.
  • When Andy's mother asks if he's "wasting good food", Andy denies it. He notes to himself that he isn't lying, since Brussels sprouts aren't "good food".
  • Andy claims to be "busting" so he can flush his sprouts down the toilet. Jen replies, "You mean you're disgusting".
  • Andy says he needs a lawyer, but is told by Jen, "You don't need a lawyer; you need a psychiatrist".

Shut Up!

  • When Andy and Jen have an Argument of Contradictions that ends in "Infinity plus one", the neighbours point out that this doesn't make sense since "infinity is infinite".


  • The note that no flies were harmed during the making of the play, as they were already dead.

    Just Shocking 

I am a Ro-Bot

  • When Andy pretends to be a robot and his family humours him, he starts to wonder if he really is a robot, who thought he was a human pretending to be one.

A Really, Really Good Excuse

  • At one point in Andy's excuse story, the criminal gang plans to shrink the police's underpants.
