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Fridge / CarnEvil

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As a Fridge subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

Fridge Brilliance

  • While the ending still is rather stupid (see Crosses the Line Twice), it makes sense that an arcade shooter would have an ending with an in-game explanation to how the next player to pick up the controller can play the game.
  • It makes sense that Umlaut is such a loud-mouthed Troll: He is the jester, after all! And back in the Middle Ages, that's what jesters did: they made fun of everyone.
  • Umlaut isn't wrong in calling the protagonist a freak, even in context of the Freak Show. Someone who fights through CarnEvil, killing all the monsters in their way, and willingly chooses to go through it again and again? Freak is probably the nicest word you could use.
  • In the Big Top level it's revealed that Tokkentakker's plan for the player is to cut out their brain and stick it in the body of a gorilla with chainguns for hands. Seems kind of random, though perfectly in character for an insane ringleader with a penchant for mutilation, but considering that the player/player character has been doing nothing but running around the park and gunning down anything that moves, this could also be taken as Tokkentakker deliberately equating you to a dumb brute that can't do anything except shoot things.
  • At the end of the intro cutscene, Umlaut flies at the camera and eats it. This could be foreshadowing Umlaut's boss fight, where he flies up to the camera to bite the player.

Fridge Horror

  • Assuming that the plotline of CarnEvil starting back up when the main character puts the token in Umlaut's mouth again is canon, does this mean that the events of the game happen over and over... forever?
  • In a way, The Bad Guy Wins. Throughout the game, it is made clear that the carnival's residents want to turn the protagonist into one of them. They may not have succeeded in physically turning him into a circus freak, but if the ending is any indication, he has become just as Ax-Crazy as Tokkentakker.
  • As said in the Nightmare Fuel page, the protagonists were part of a tour guide before the player character hops off to investigate the grave. In the Haunted House, the player comes across a kitchen with butchered human corpses everywhere. Since the circus was shown to be sprouting out of the ground in the cemetery, who's to say that wasn't the rest of the tourists?

Fridge Logic

  • At the end, the player reinserts the coin into the tombstone, which seems to reactivate the park, but it's stated it only works at night.
    • Note that unlike when the park activates in the prologue, only the eyes of Umlaut glow instead of them popping off of the tombstone. It could be that feeding the token during the day just delays the arrival of the park until sundown.
