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Film / Jane and the Lost City

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Jane and the Lost City is a 1987 British comedy film based on the racy wartime comic strip Jane. Set in Darkest Africa during World War II, the story focuses on the British trying to find the Lost City (it has no other name) before Those Wacky Nazis do. It's essentially a low-budget parody of the Jungle Opera genre. There's also some Fanservice along the way, most of which involves Jane losing her clothes for contrived reasons.

The hapless Jane is played by Kirsten Hughes, who is given fourth billing despite being the title character. The rest of the cast consists of Sam J. Jones as American adventurer Jungle Jack, Maud Adams as leading Nazi agent Lola Pagola, Robin Bailey as Jane's boss "The Colonel," Graham Stark as the Colonel's butler Tombs, Jasper Carrott as three separate Nazi henchmen, and Ian Roberts as another Nazi henchman.


  • Almost Kiss: Jack and Jane lean in for a kiss, but the Colonel interupts, telling them it's time to move on.
  • Character Name and the Noun Phrase: Obviously, the film is titled this way, presumably to evoke the Indiana Jones series. If you're unfamiliar with the source material, you may wonder why Jane is the character who merited being mentioned in the title.
  • Chased by Angry Natives: The film starts off with natives chasing after a British agent who has a diamond from the Lost City. He gets away from the natives but falls into the hands of the Nazis instead.
  • Chekhov's Volcano: In the middle of the movie, it's revealed that the Lost City is near a volcano. Guess what erupts near the end of the movie.
  • Darkest Africa: The setting, complete with treacherous jungles and savage natives. Characteristically, the location is defined as "somewhere in Africa" because who needs to be more specific than that.
  • Devil in Plain Sight: Hans very obviously reveals himself to be a Nazi, up to and including doing a "Heil Hitler," and very obviously sets up Jane's plane to crash. But Jane and her allies don't seem to realize that anything is off until after Hans has already jumped out of the plane. Played for Laughs, of course.
  • Doesn't Like Guns: Jack doesn't like guns and claims he doesn't need one in the African wilderness. If he runs into a lion, he can defeat it with a staring contest, excepting if the lion happens to be short-sighted.
  • Dress Hits Floor: This occurs right before Jane steps into the shower. This is the only time in the movie when she's fully naked, not that we see any of it.
  • Falling into the Cockpit: Subverted. After Hans ditches them, Jane and the others have to figure out how to land the plane, but they comically fail, and the plane crashes into the sea. Of course, they nonetheless survive and swim to shore.
  • Historical Domain Character:
    • Jane and the Colonel get their assignment from Winston Churchill himself. He describes their mission, complete with his own particular pronunciation of "Nazi."
    • While he never appears onscreen, Adolf Hitler is the film's Greater-Scope Villain, and he's mentioned several times.
  • Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy: Apparently attended by the Water Warriors, considering their arrows keep hitting the heroes' boat without ever hitting any of them.
  • Just a Stupid Accent: When talking amongst themselves, the Nazis conveniently tend to speak in English with German accents.
  • MacGuffin Delivery Service: The heroes find the stash of diamonds in the Lost City, only for the Nazis to show up at that moment to claim them.
  • Majored in Western Hypocrisy: The Leopard Queen, leader of the Lost City, turns out to have been educated at Oxford and speaks in a posh British accent.
  • Manly Tears: Lola claims that Hitler cried these when he learned they had the diamonds.
    Carl: Our Führer cried?
    Lola: All great men cry.
  • Reluctant Fanservice Girl: As in the source material, Jane has a habit of losing her clothes. However, the movie is decidedly less risqué than you'd think based on the advertising, and we never actually see Jane in anything less than Fully-Clothed Nudity. If you've seen the trailer, you've pretty much already seen the most sexy moments in the film.
  • Shout-Out:
    • Heinrich, the giggling Nazi torturer, seems to be an Expy of Toht from Raiders of the Lost Ark, except Heinrich is sillier and much less competent.
    • Jane introduces herself to Jungle Jack with the words, "Me Jane."
    • Heinrich's attempt to kill Jane while she's in the shower is played as a "Psycho" Shower Murder Parody.
    • The film concludes with the heroes ending up in Casablanca, where they visit a bar similar to the one from the movie by that name. Moreover, Jack and Jane's parting scene is somewhat reminiscent of Rick and Ilsa's parting scene.
  • Torture Technician: Heinrich, who whines, "It's not fair! A whole week and I haven't tortured anyone!"
  • Trailer Spoof: The trailer starts off listing elements from the (at the time) two Indiana Jones films but showing footage from this movie instead. Later on, the trailer claims that this movie features, "the queen from African Queen, the tango from Last Tango, and the Krak from Krakatoa, East of Java." Note that the title of African Queen actually refers to a boat, not a person.
  • Travel Montage: The line-on-a-map version, à la Indiana Jones.
  • Uncanny Family Resemblance: In addition to his primary role as Heinrich, Jasper Carrott plays his ill-fated brothers Herman and Hans.
  • Villain: Exit, Stage Left: Lola and Heinrich survive the end of the movie, apparently leaving them available to torment Jane and her friends on future adventures. And no, this movie never had any sequels.
