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Fanfic / The Beginning of Infinity

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The Beginning of Infinity is an Alternate Universe fanfic - a timeline where Loki, the best known Anti-Villain/Anti-Hero of the Franchise never goes super villain at all.

Basically, what would have happened if Loki didn't end up finding out about his actual species and heritage just at the wrong moment, but had known all along?

Thor and Loki have known of the latter's real parentage since childhood. However, even without the Trickster's involvement, the Jotun attack and it's consequences happen. With Asgard at the brink of war, Thor banished, Odin down and a Mad Titan pulling strings in the shadows, Loki, Sif and the Warriors Three scramble to salvage the situation. Only, it is even more complicated than the young Asgardians can imagine...

The Beginning of Infinity provides examples of:

  • Action Girl : Sif is definitely involved and kicking ass in all her glory.
    The giants moved fast, but the Lady Sif moved faster. Greased lightning was probably an understatement. The first giant went down mid-swing .
  • Action Mom: Frigga, after all, she is the Queen of Asgard.Laufey finds out about this the hard way.
  • Adoption Angst: Not as bad as his canon counterpart, but Loki does have this issue to deal with, to the point that when Thor excludes him from the Jotunheim trip (because he's afraid Laufey may recognize Loki) he is worried that it might be because Thor doesn't trust him.
    • Odin also, at one point, uses this to stop Loki from arguing against Thor's exile (though he does regret it immediately) by threatening to 'out' him as a Jotun.
  • Annoying Younger Sibling : This version of Loki is genuinely fond of Thor and firmly on his side. But he is still Loki...
  • Badass Normal : Coulson, whom the Aesir team refused to take along at first for fear that he would slow them down, performs well enough to earn a compliment from Frigga.
  • Died in Your Arms Tonight : Loki dies in Thor's arms after casting an incredibly powerful spell to undo Odin's curse and bring Thor back to Asgardian power level. Thanks to Hela, he gets better.
  • Eldritch Abomination : The Death of the Endless. Its very presence is enough to nearly destroy the minds of every one present.
  • Eldritch Location : Niflheim, where the spell they need is hidden, turns out to be one of these.
  • Happily Adopted : This version of Loki knows the whole deal and seems more or less well adjusted to it.
  • Heroic R Ro D : Loki dies (temporarily) from one after using an extremely complex spell to undo Odin's curse on Thor. Only Hela's intervention keeps this from being permanent.
  • Lady of War : Frigga, queen of Asgard, manages to combine perfect elegance with perfect deadliness. It's easy to see where Loki got his style from.
  • Mama Bear : Queen Frigga, 100%. It doesn't get more Mama Bear than heading straight into enemy territory and an Eldritch Abomination to rescue her sons.
  • Not Quite Dead : Hela implies that Loki's case is this - but that may be because they are in Niflheim, where "life and death mingle". That is why she can bring him back.
  • True Companions : Thor, Loki, Sif and the Warriors Three. Here Loki is also close to the rest of the team, unlike his canon counterpart. None of the group shows even a moment's hesitation when they find out how to rescue Thor, even if it means going against Odin's direct command and going into the Hell Dimension of Niflheim, aka, Hel
  • Silent Snarker : Heimdall gets in quite a bit of this, watching Odin trying to sound out various possible explanations to Frigga regarding the newborn Jotun in his arms.
    Heimdall(mentally, when Odin is worrying aloud about whether Frigga would suspect infant Loki is his illegitimate child): Such a misunderstanding was very unlikely, for the simple reason that no Jotun woman would bed with someone as tiny as an Asgardian.
  • The Spymaster : Frigga is this for Asgard, and Loki is raised to be the next one, already acting as her second-in-command.
  • Undying Loyalty : Thor's team - including Loki in this version - towards each other.
