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Fanfic / She Ra And The Shadow Of Apokolips

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She-Ra and the Shadow of Apokolips is a Young Justice (2010) and She-Ra and the Princesses of Power crossover story, in which the attention of Darkseid has been drawn to Etheria after Prime's defeat...

  • Adaptational Gender Identity: In this universe June Moon uses she/they pronouns.
  • Amnesia Missed a Spot: Despite her mind-wipe, Adora's old memories leak through several times, like when she reflexively calls Granny Goodness "Shadow Weaver", or seeing flashes of Catra (among other things).
  • Badass in Distress: Early in the story Adora is captured and mind-wiped by Granny Goodness.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Adora is mind-wiped and reprogrammed by The Lump and Granny Goodness.
  • Composite Character: In this universe Horde Prime is a persona of Grayven, son of Darkseid.
  • Fusion Fic: Besides making Etheria a world in the universe of Young Justice, modified versions of several characters, locations, and item from the Masters of the Universe franchise show up across the story.
  • Prisoner Exchange: Catra tries to exchange Violet for Adora, only for them to double-cross her. Luckily, the "Halo" she had was only an illusion.
  • Sleepyhead: Catra is noted to be sleeping significantly more now that she's not in the Horde, since she doesn't have to get up early, which is implied to be because of her felinoid species. She even notes that she basically had chronic sleep deprivation for her entire time in the Horde (which would explain a LOT in hindsight).
