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Fanfic / Pokémon: Jordinio Version!

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Pokemon: Jordinio Version! is a Pokémon: The Series Self-Insert Fic by 0 Jordinio 0, whose also known for writing Stacking The Deck and Systematic Shinobi.

Official Summary: So there I was enjoying myself at a bar about to pick up a pretty girl and then bam! I'm on Route 1, short as shit and somehow twelve again. Oh well, at the very least I can get that Charizard I always dreamed of. Self Insert.

It can also be read here and here.

Spoilers Unmarked!

Pokemon: Jordinio Version! provides examples of:

  • Age Lift: Many characters in the Pokémon world are much older than their canon counterparts due to the cultural customs for up-and-coming trainers.
  • Alternate Universe Fic: The Pokémon world that Jordan is currently trapped in is based on Pokémon: The Series, but elements of the core and spin-off games, the various spin-off manga, and the movies are also included in the world.
  • Anti-Hero: Like most main, male protagonists written by 0 Jordinio 0, Jordan is rude, arrogant, the type of guy whose willing to kick your ass if you so much as insult his pride, a Handsome Lech, brutally honest to the point of lacking tact, and is willing to fight dirty if it comes to it. At the same time, however, he's also very caring to those who he considers friends and treats his Pokémon decently regardless of their power level.
  • Broken Ace: Depending on the characters In-Universe, they see Jordan as this. Despite being a trainer who is only in it for a short period of time, he proves himself to be a Child Prodigy through his Pokémon's fast growth, willingness to train further than most would think, catching rare and exotic Pokémon, and discovering many hidden things in certain places. At the same time, those in the know of his Dark and Troubled Past of growing up as an orphan street rat and then getting his Starter Mon and whatever items on him stolen by the Team Rocket members upon arriving in Kanto (a story that's fabricated by his own admission) tend to worry about his well-being and is exasperated by his daredevil attitude.
  • Character-Driven Strategy: Jordan's usual battle style involves using Pokémon in pragmatic and unconventional ways to both confuse and dominate the competition. This reflects Jordan's rough attitude and willingness to prove his superiority and is not above playing dirty to attain it.
  • Fanboy: Jordan is this for Ash Ketchum, but he doesn't follow him on his Pokémon journey due to having other plans in mind.
  • Fountain of Youth: Jordan has been de-aged from a twenty-something-year-old man to a twelve-year-old boy upon waking up in the Pokémon world.
  • Hero of Another Story: Since Jordan is the main protagonist, Ash, Pikachu, Misty, and Brock only show up once in a while as they travel separately.
  • A Lighter Shade of Grey: Compare to Ash's designated rivals like Pre-Character Development Paul and Cross, Jordan is more caring of his Pokémon and is always improving his methods for them to grow stronger.
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: Every human character in the Pokémon world has a degree of being much more physically strong and tougher, but Jordan takes this to the next level by utilizing Chansley's Heal Pulse and Gravity moves for training purposes in a similar manner to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber in Dragon Ball. By chapter 28, he's capable of subduing a very angry Gyarados and Dragonite one after the other, but with heavy injuries.
    • Not just him, but he also has his Pokémon undergo this method of training to increase their physical attacks, toughness, and speed as well.
  • Noble Bird of Prey: Zigzagged with Brutal Bird of Prey for Jordan's Pidgey and Spearow. Both of them, in their own ways, are rather anti-heroic in a similar manner to Jordan, but they are also capable of showing kindness and respect for those who prove their strength.
  • Put on a Prison Bus: Jessie, James, and Meowth were easily dispatched by Jordan's Poliwhirl's Hypnosis move and are currently stuck in jail for the time being since the end of chapter 3.
  • Team Member in the Adaptation: As a result of Jordan's existence, many of the characters gain Pokémon that they wouldn't otherwise have in the anime, besides the games, movies, and the various manga spin-offs.
