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Fanfic / Love Can Bloom

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A Vindicare assassin is sent to kill Eldar Farseer Taldeer, who is wounded following a battle. But despite all his conditioning, when he has her in his sights he finds that he can't pull the trigger, and instead saves her. Together, they try to survive on the run, confront their inner demons, and answer the question of if love can bloom between two races who've hated each other for millenia.

Love Can Bloom is a very well known fan work for Warhammer 40,000, and can be found here (Warning: page contains NSFW pictures at the bottom, and links to NSFW stories). LIIVI and his relationship with Taldeer has essentially become part of the greater 40k fanon, and he's even been quoted in Dark Heresy: Ascension ("One or a thousand, I will kill them all").


  • Action Girl: Taldeer is a gifted Farseer but is not afraid nor incapable of throwing down with her Singing Spear.
  • Cold Sniper: LIIVI. It's what Vindicares are trained as.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: Male version, with LIIVI.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: Par the course for a Vindicare. LIIVI doesn't shoot at something unless he knows he's going to hit it, where he wants to hit it.
  • In Love with the Mark: Not supposed to happen with the Vindicare, but LIIVI turned out to be an exception.
  • Interspecies Romance: Between two species with a long history of Fantastic Racism, no less. Fanon holds that they have a daughter named Lofn.
  • Love at First Sight: LIIVI experiences this when he sees Taldeer take off her helmet. Not that he can tell.
  • No Social Skills: Everything about LIIVI's personality revolves around either stalking and executing his targets, or ensuring his own survival. That includes his vocabulary.
  • Oh, Crap!: Definitely the vibe when the last "official" chapter ends and we realize what's in the drop pod sent down to eliminate the plucky couple: an Eversor Assassin.
  • Rescue Romance: Between LIIVI and Taldeer.
  • You Are Number 6: LIIVI's name is Roman numerals for 52.6 (Romans didn't use decimals). However, LIIVI is unaware of what Roman numerals are and what his name actually means, and as such introduced himself to Taldeer as L I I V I. Taldeer, also being unaware of what Roman numerals are, thinks his name is Liivi, and is confused as to why he introduced himself by spelling it out.
