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Fanfic / It's Always Snowy in Chaldea

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It's Always Snowy in Chaldea is a Fate/Grand Order fanfiction written on Space Battles.

In which a bunch of friends more or less familiar with the Nasu insanity gets saddled with the duty to help one Ritsuka Fujimaru and his kohai Mash to undo mankind's incineration, as Masters.

Does it sound like a recipe for disaster? Don't worry, they are fully aware of it.

Contains the following tropes

  • Achilles' Heel:
    • Since Magellan was slaughtered by the disgruntled Natives he was trying to convert, the Filipino Adam is tasked with the duty to shoot him.
    • Castor of the Dioscuri was fell by a spear wound in his legend, so Fionn is picked as his designated opponent.
  • Adaptational Angst Downgrade: Hinako is resurrected early and gets to properly summon Xiang Yu instead of having to lose him in the third Lostbelt's crumbling.
  • Amazon Chaser: Achilles actually feels aroused by Jalter threatening him with a gruesome death, and is seen leaving Scathath's bedroom.
  • Ambiguously Brown: Ritsuka freely admits he has no familiarity with Asian ethnicities beyond Chinese, Japanese and Korean, so he cannot peg Adam's nationality beyond "brown-skinned". The older man ultimately reveals himself as Filipino to defeat Magellan.
  • An Arm and a Leg: Okeanos wasn't gentle towards the newcomers. Ko has her hand blown out and needs for Da Vinci to build her a prothesis, Jacob's heart murmur acting up causes the nerve endings in his hands to fry, and Bennet barely avoids losing his leg and is reduced to walk with a limp.
  • Anti-Magic: Socrates constantly questioning Magecraft almost destroyed Mystery entirely, and it partially was the reason why he was pushed to commit suicide. When summoned by Adam, Roman and Da Vinci immediately forbid the Ruler to be allowed to visit a Singularity unless it thoroughly implodes all around the Masters.
  • Broken Pedestal: Following the Masters going on a drunken bender to win Drake's grail, Mash gets furious and yells the newcomers are supposed to be grown-ups and as such figures of trust to her and Ritsuka. Spencer gently breaks to her that growing up doesn't mean finding the answers, you still keep fumbling and panicking but now you have to hide it better.
  • The Chew Toy: Bennet has been diagnosticized by the readership with Lancer-level luck. His first Servant is a cute little girl whose powers will destroy her and his sanity if activated, he's reduced to limping after his first battle, and his second Servant is the Pharaoh who happily repressed and enslaved his people long ago.
  • Cock Fight: Adam and Fionn have a cooking battle à la Iron Chief over Ko who thinks they're utterly dumb — she's engaged to marry Adam and very happy with him, why would they believe she would drop him?
  • Combat Medic: Fionn's ability to bestow healing water gets a lot of use in Okeanos. Of course, he's also very involved in the fighting there.
  • Deliberate Values Dissonance: Servants are products of their era. It gets explored through the Masters' unease around their period-typical behaviour and beliefs, such as Jalter dropping an homophobic slur and Abby showing complete subservience to Bennet as he's a man.
  • The Dreaded: Da Vinci and Roman almost unsummon Socrates after his introduction, since the guy almost caused the extinction of Mystery because he wouldn't stop poking and prodding at it.
  • Elemental Personality: Bennet's affinity for Magecraft is a dual one, Ice and Fire. It explains a lot about his hysterical, aggressive tendences, his cool head for analysis and planning, and how easily he switches from one state to another — the man is constantly blowing hot and cold.
  • Embarrassing Middle Name: Adam Thursday Rodriguez Ziegler. Everyone present in the cafeteria is horrified.
  • Experienced Protagonist: When a bunch of interdimensional travelers are dropped in Chaldea, Ritsuka has already solved Singularity F, Orléans and Septem. It's Played for Drama as he finds himself fumbling to lead panicked civilians into summoning Servants and directing them in battle.
  • Godzilla Threshold: A bunch of civilians who thought magecraft was fiction barely yesterday really shouldn't be entrusted with mankind's fate, but Da Vinci and Roman just cannot reject five new Masters.
  • Heart Is an Awesome Power: How does Adam Smith manage to force Medea Lily to submit and surrender her grail? He forces her to empathize with the Masters facing her.
  • I Owe You My Life: Bennet's intervention allows for Hinako to be rescued from cryosleep much sooner than the Lostbelts era. After a discussion with Xiang Yu, she decides to repay him by throwing her full weight behind Chaldea's endeavour to fix the timeline.
  • Just a Kid:
    • Part of the reason why Bennet doesn't want to let Abigail fight.
    • Jacob is rather startled and dismayed to learn his Saber Mordred is chronogically eleven years old.
  • King in the Mountain: Fionn promised he would be back to lead the Fianna in Ireland's greatest hour of need. However, he has to be summoned for this, and when it happened, his Masters weren't interested in letting him fulfill his oath.
  • Large Ham: Xiang Yu has no use whatsoever for indoor volume.
  • Lovable Sex Maniac: Spencer spends a great deal of his brainpower lusting after all the pretty men and women in Chaldea.
  • Mythology Gag: Mordred being summoned by a bearded, older man. In Apocrypha it was Kairi Shishigou, here it's Jacob.
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • Magellan when he sees the Filipino Adam waiting to shoot him dead.
    • Da Vinci and Roman as Adam's new Servant casually introduces himself as the guy who almost destroyed Magecraft in the cradle.
    • Ozymandias turns ashen grey when he realizes he has been summoned by a Jewish man.
  • One-Steve Limit: Averted since Adam summons a Servant sharing his first name. They are differentiated by being called "Adam the Elder" for the Servant and "Adam the Younger" for the Master.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Ko feels actually weirded by Fionn using her full username Furiko, since all her friends are using "Ko".
  • Original Character: Ching Shih, Magellan, Adam Smith, Socrates, Ada Lovelace.
  • Parental Substitute:
    • Bennet is quite freaked by the prospect of being responsible for a little girl with the potential to turn in a mind-eating Eldritch Abomination, but he nonetheless tries to keep her away from fighting, gives her a pretty dress to make her feel better, and arranges schoolteaching for her.
    • Jacob shows shades of this as he tries to redirect Mordred's aggressiveness and rudeness.
  • Point of Divergence: A bunch of friends from another dimension dropping in Chaldea right before Okeanos completely upends the board.
  • Properly Paranoid: Bennet insists to summon a Foreigner in spite of the potential threat of memetic hazard because he doesn't believe Chaldea can win against Hercules in all his Axe-Crazy glory. And he's right — without Abigail throwing him outside the Singularity, Hercules would have slaughtered the entire party.
  • Raven Hair, Ivory Skin: Ko is described as brunette and impossibly pale. She's also showing hints of being very attractive, with Adam, Fionn and Nobunaga drooling after her.
  • Secret-Keeper: Having played the game's first storyline to completion, Bennet, Jacob, Spencer and Ko are aware that Roman formerly was King Solomon. They swear to keep quiet on the matter.
  • Support Party Member: Adam Smith's talents don't lie in the field of battle. He's more focused on serving as a mana reactor for the whole party, which is extremely useful.
  • Take That!: Ritsuka apparently dislikes remembering Septem.
  • What Does She See in Him?: Fionn expresses his utter confusion that Ko would marry Non-Action Guy Adam, as he used to be a warrior king in a heavily battle-focused society.
