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Fanfic / Daughters Of The Wicked Witch

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Daughters of the Wicked Witch is a Fate/Grand Order fanfiction created by MortiferSV.

Chaldea's ingenious Servant-summoning system has one little loophole: it can only summon those willing to fight to save the world, but it never said they had to be good. Even the most vicious monsters could still meet that requirement. On one particular day, the Saber Sir Mordred is called to oversee one such monster who threatened their Master and displayed a worrying knowledge of Chaldea's inner workings. The Servant in question claims to be one Fairy Knight Tristan, heir to Morgan le Fay, queen of Fairy Britain. There's just one little problem: From Chaldea's perspective, this story takes place during the game's Observer on Timeless Temple arc, well before the Fairy Britain Lostbelt came into existence.

Daughters of the Wicked Witch contains examples of the following tropes:

  • Adaptational Name Change: The canon Baobhan Sith is rendered as the alternate spelling Baobhan Sidhe, with the author's notes citing this as personal preference.
  • Awesome, but Impractical: Curses appear at first glance to be far more effective than most standard magic, with even sloppily-constructed ones putting out considerable power. However, they always come with a nasty cost, usually in the form of damaging the user's soul.
  • Berserk Button: Mordred does not take kindly to anyone insulting the honor of the Round Table. Baobhan Sidhe makes this mistake twice in a row - first by trying to goad Mordred to serve her, and second by dragging the name of Sir Tristan through the dirt - and nearly gets choked to death by Mordred for her trouble.
  • Bread and Circuses: Mordred's attempt to seize power from Arturia was popular with the citizens because a regular hedonistic feudal lord hosting parades and tourneys was easier to understand than the almost-inhumanly perfect and pragmatic Arturia.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: Fairy Tristan openly admits to being a terrible person, cheerfully agreeing with Mordred's assertion that she's a monster. In fact, she proudly claims to be the greatest monster.
  • Everyone Has Standards: For as cynical and ruthless as Mordred is, and as much as she dislikes Baobhan Sidhe, seeing the fairy left broken and miserable by an Ascension gone wrong still severely disturbs and upsets her.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: Mordred and Arturia are both rather confused by the fact that a Baobhan Sidhe - a type of minor fairy that even modern Clocktower mages can normally handle - has somehow risen to the position of heir to Morgan, queen of an alternate Britain and one of the most dangerous mages in history.
  • Gilligan Cut: When Romani offers Mordred a mission into a micro-Singularity to get Fairy Tristan better acquainted with Chaldea, Mordred agrees on the condition that it doesn't involve "the fucking Mini-Nobus again". Cue the scene cutting to a Mini-Nobu shouting its catchphrase.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Mordred realizes something is up when a mention of Beryl Gut leaves the normally-easygoing Romani quietly furious.
  • Past-Life Memories: Attempting an Ascension on Fairy Tristan results in reawakening the memories of her past lives as Baobhan Sidhe. Given that said events were horrendously traumatic, this ends poorly.
  • Pet the Dog: To prove that Morgan le Fay wasn't always pure evil, Arturia relates the story of Manassen, a knight who Morgan once saved, for no other reason than gratitude for the fact that his cousin Accolon had once been loyal to her.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: Mordred recalls that Morgan le Fay refused to utilize Black Magic, not for any moral reasons, but because she was aware of the severe costs such curses would have and knew it wouldn't be worth it in the long run. Which makes it a red flag when Mordred sees Fairy Tristan, who should've learned all her magic from Morgan, using them openly.
  • Take That!: When visiting Singularity F, the narration can't help but take a few potshots at the problems with the level in the game, such as the tedium of farming the skeleton enemies for their bones and the unreasonably difficult (for that stage in the game) Superboss fight with blackened Berserker.
  • Underestimating Badassery: Fairy Tristan believes she's the biggest dog in the room, announcing her desire to take over Chaldea and acting domineering and dismissive to Mordred. This lasts up until Mordred effortlessly grabs her by the neck and slams her into the wall.
