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Drinking Game / Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

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  • Take a shot whenever John makes a self-deprecating joke.
  • Take a shot whenever John imitates an accent.
  • Take a shot whenever John introduces someone with an insulting comparison.
  • Take a sip whenever John makes a crude sexual joke.
    • Take two sips if it's bestiality-related.
      • Finish your drink if John expresses desire for a horse specifically.
  • Take a sip whenever John swears.
  • Take a sip whenever John mentions a celebrity.
    • Take two sips if it's a mocking comparison to another figure.
  • Take a sip whenever John introduces a country on a map.
    • Take two sips if said country is mislabeled and actually another country.
  • Take a shot whenever John says "The fact is".
  • Take a shot whenever John mentions that the person or organisation he is talking about has denied wrongdoing in the relevant subject.
  • Take a shot whenever John asserts that a subject "Would be depressing, if it weren't so American."
