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Drinking Game / Halo Infinite

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It might be best to take a break each time you drink from getting killed, since playing Halo Infinite drunk likely won't assist your performance.


  • Take a shot every time the game crashes.
  • Take a shot every time you get killed by a Needler supercombine.
  • Take a shot every time you flip your vehicle in the middle of a fight.
    • Take another shot if you get killed within thirty seconds of flipping your vehicle.
  • Take a shot every time you get killed by a grenade you didn't see.
  • Take a shot every time an enemy kills you by shooting the fusion coil you're holding and making it explode.
  • Take a shot every time you throw a fusion coil/explosive, but it gets caught on a nearby object and explodes prematurely.
    • Take another shot if you end up damaging yourself this way.
    • Down the bottle if you kill yourself this way.


Best done when playing on Legendary.

  • Take a shot every time you get killed by a Jackal Sniper.
    • Take another shot if you manage to survive the barrage, or get to cover before they can finish you.
    • For that matter, take a shot every time you get sniped by a Brute or Elite.
  • Take a shot every time you try to use the Grappleshot, but accidentally use a different gadget instead because you forgot to switch.
    • Take another shot if this gets you killed.
  • Take a shot every time you try to grapple the ground to make a getaway but accidentally grapple a weapon to you instead.
    • Take another shot if this gets you killed.
  • Take a shot every time you get killed by a Brute Berserker.
    • Take another shot if you manage to kill them before they reach you.
  • Take a shot every time you encounter a Stealth Elite before you have the Threat Sensor.
    • Take another shot if you're able to kill a Stealth Elite without using the Threat Sensor.
  • Take a shot every time you get killed by a Phantom dropship.
  • Take a shot every time you get killed by an emplaced plasma cannon.
  • Take a shot every time you call for a vehicle drop at a FOB and a Marine gets crushed by the falling vehicle.
  • Take a shot every time you hear an enemy comment on you scoring a headshot on one of their comrades.
  • Take a shot every time you destroy an enemy Banshee and the Elite jumps out while airborne and dies on impact with the ground.
    • Take another shot if he survives.
  • Down the bottle and laugh maniacally if you manage to kill a boss without dying once.


  • Take a shot every time there's a connection error that throws you out of a server.
  • Take a shot if a Spartan ends up facing the wrong way in the team intro (or after the patch, plays the animation where he turns around to face the right way).
  • Take a shot for every challenge you complete.
  • Take a shot for every challenge you get that involves vehicles.
  • Down the bottle if in the victory team shot, every team member is using the same pose.
  • Take a shot every time you get killed by someone with a rocket launcher in Fiesta.
