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Deconstructed Character Archetype / AZRE

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This page is to show the Deconstructed Character Archetype for AZRE.


  • Adam decontructs The Atoner and the Blood Knight. Someone who picks violence first when facing obstacles isn't going to be very well liked, and Adam is quick to find that, because of his short temper and unpleasent personality, his team and fellow students want nothing to do with him. Even after fixing his behaviour and saving his friends, his secret affiliation to the White Fang is revealed, and even a year later, no one wants anything to do with a former terrorist.
  • Zanthus is a deconstruction of the Badass Pacifist trope. His pacifism didn't come from any inherent belief of the sacred nature of life, or by religion, but because Zanthus was deeply traumatised due to taking a life in his youth. His beliefs often come off as niavity, especially in a world that is as dangerous as Remnant, and even Huntsmen like Icheku try to teach him that sometimes, you have to fight back to protect yourself and the people you love.
  • Ruri is a deconstruction of the Handicapped Badass trope. She shows just how taxing it is to not only be a disabled person in a school of mostly abled people, but that her disability meant that she was infantilised all her life. All her skills and intelligence means little to her parents because they saw her as someone who needed to be protected, and that left Ruri with low self-esteem and a perfectionist attitude that is detrimental to her mental health and friendships.
  • Eirian is a deconstruction of All-Loving Hero and the Determinator tropes. Her compassion and loving personality may endear many people to her, but it is also a result of extreme isolation and goes straight into Eirian desiring any form of human interaction, even if it's toxic for her. Because of this, she spent most of Volume 1 as an Extreme Doormat, trying to constantly reach out to Adam despite already having friends in Zanthus and Ruri. Her determination is mostly seen as a positive, but coupled with Eirian's ADHD and inability to curb her behaviour, it often goes overboard to the point that she puts herself and her friends in danger.


  • Chase is a deconstruction of the Lovable Rogue and The Leader. His reckless behaviour and carefree attitude makes him seem unreliable to his friends and family, something that he knows himself, and so keeps Chase out of the inner circle and in the dark around Salem's existance and the Maidens, one of whom had chosen Roxanne as her successor. His relationship with his family is strained, and the secrets kept from him in turn push Chase further away, repeating the cycle. Add onto his admitted poor abilities as a leader, and his team chose to follow Roxanne instead, further impacting his self esteem.
  • Roxanne deconstructs The Ace. She's beautiful, talented, and put on par with licensed Huntsmen because of her skills in battle and her humble attitude, meaning that she is chosen to inherit the Summer Maiden powers. Because of this, she's forced to keep everything a secret and deeply traumatised from her past, putting more and more pressure on her shoulders to the point where she starts doubting herself.
  • Mauve is a deconstruction of the Knight In Shining Armour trope. She's compassionate, humble, and became a Huntress to help people and carry on her Heroic Lineage in her father. However, she grew up in a deeply racist society and obviously took away less than ideal opinions about the Faunus and mixed race people, to the point where she called Eirian a "half breed" to her face, unknowing that it's a slur to everyone outside our her kingdom. On top of that, she's an Atlesian citizen first, and still protects her home despite all the abhorrent things it had done since it was created. This puts her at constant odds with Adam; a former SDC slave who ran away from Atlas.
  • Niccolo shows just how difficult it is to live with DID, deconstructing the Split Personality trope that was played straight with Klein in RWBY. Unlike Klein, Niccolo developed the mental disorder because of extreme childhood abuse, and obviously doesn't remember anything when he switches alters. Despite his team caring for him and being understanding, it's unfamiliar and almost scary to everyone else, further pushing Niccolo into his shell.


  • All the headmasters deconstruct their own tropes.
    • Ozpin as the Big Good. He's the main fighter in the war against Salem, having worked tirelessly for millennia to build up Remnant and ensure that humanity can survive against the Grimm and come together. However, he lives in a Crapsack World with so many different people and beliefs making it almost impossible to achieve true peace. The stresses put on him and years of being betrayed had left him unable to trust most with the truth, keeping a small group of people that he can trusts to take care of the world. Add onto how he's the one who brought them together, the group start fracturing when they have to decide what to do when he eventually passes away.
    • James deconstructs The Brigadier. An older military man in charge of Atlas' military, he is reasonable and quick to defend the people when the situation calls for it. However, he is also impatient and quick to use force to get things done, doing morally questionable things for the good of the people. His Appeal to Force mentality puts him at odds with the other headmasters, especially Eliana Kokkinos.
    • Eliana as the Iron Lady trope. Her personality and strong attitude allowed her to unite much of Vacuo, build Isidis City into the prosperous capital, and take over Shade Academy to improve it. However, she applies her hard ass attitude to how she raised her children, leaving Chase with a inferiority complex, Roxanne struggling with all the responsibilities Eliana put on her shoulders, Sun keeping secrets in fear of disappointing her, and Aurora seeing Roxanne as her mother over Eliana herself. Add onto how a lot of the tribes don't like living under Eliana, to the point that she always fears civil uproar under her rule.
    • Jin is a deconstruction of The Baby of the Bunch trope. Her youth and more modern ideals adds a much needed view to the older inner circle, and is exactly why Ozpin brought her in. Despite that, her young age and inexperience is a major source of stress, along with her regret over losing the Spring Maiden ten years prior. It gets to the point that she doubts how they'll cope when Ozpin passes away.
  • Qrow with his I Work Alone mentality. He's a gruff and fairly antisocial Huntsman with a dark past, but that same mentality has made him totally miserable. He lost his family, his team, and even Winter and their unborn daughter because he pushed them all away. Underneath, Qrow does want those relationships, but is so terrified of his Semblance that he tries to numb the loneliness with alcohol, but that only worsens his behaviour and antagonises everyone around him, especially those with negative views on alcohol like Zanthus.


  • Iya deconstructs the Blood Knight and the Token Evil Teammate. Her twisted and violent behaviour pushes everyone away from her, with not even the White Fang enjoying having her around. Her attack on Junior's club may have had a reason, but added with the less needed attack on Adam at Sasnak Docks has pushed more unwanted attention onto the White Fang and has jeopardised Iya's place with them, with Sienna urging Kaanchana to rethink having Iya around. The only person who can deal with her is Banesaw, and even he has little love for the woman.
  • On the opposite side, Banesaw deconstructs the Token Good Teammate. He obviously dislikes excessive violence and is tolerable of most things when not pushed, only in the White Fang because he wants a equal world for his children, even sparing Eirian when it was clear the fight was over and told her to leave. However, despite his good intentions, he still commits atrocious acts when ordered to, such as killing Blake, and everyone around him, including Iya, rejects his reasons and tells him that, no matter what his intentions were, he still committed horrible things and should at least accept them rather than sit there and complain.
