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Creator / Rapscallion Games

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Rapscallion Games is a visual novel development group, specializing in "Saucy Media". They have both an official Patreon and Twitter account, neither of which will be linked here due to their saucy-ness.

Following the release of The Miskatonic, due to the original development team splintering, the brand has become synonymous with the work of lead artist Jack Cayless.

Visual Novels by Rapscallion Games:

  • The Miskatonic: In a world where all of H.P. Lovecraft's monsters are both real and treated as facts of life, a naive witch is hired by Miskatonic University for a mission that will ruin everything. Currently, this is the only Rapscallion project that has finished development, and is available commercially.

Webcomics by Jack Cayless:

  • Redd: The story of Vicky Redd, an armless researcher who sports a set of floating waldos and works on technology involving translating neural signals to instruments (while also fighting sea monsters and super-powered individuals on behalf of a MegaCorp).
  • New Kowloon: In a Flooded Future World, Captain Bella de Dondequiera and her crew of smugglers set out to sabotage plans to "fix" the world to its old debt and war-ridden state, but get distracted by a drug-induced hallucination of their own desires.
  • Chimneyspeak: Taking place in America and England during the late 19th century. It focuses mostly on Elgie Piddlebottom, a dwarf enforcer; Alice McKenzie, madam of a prostitution ring with a complicated relationship with Elgie; and Chelsea Grinn, a completely insane serial killer out for Elgie's blood.
  • Bella The Barbarian: In a world heavily inspired by Robert E. Howard's Conan books, a woman struggles to survive while pointing out flaws in an economic system comparable to those of modern day. Although there were originally plans to turn the series into a visual novel, it was later cancelled.
  • Snuggle the Clown: In a Victorian setting, a short Irishman with a Gag Penis decides to pursue a career in professional clowning just for the comically baggy clothes, only to unwittingly join a harlequin assassination ring/cult that believes in the Satanic connotations of a potentially Evil Redhead.
  • Miri Cox: A Mad Scientist supervillainess shut-in plots to take over the world by creating the ultimate pleasure toys, but her unrealistically high sex drive and durability means that her creations are treated more like murderous construction equipment.
    • THICC: Set in the same world of superheroics, a combination fast-food restaurant/brothel managed by an ensemble of attractive ladies make deliveries to some very unique customers, including Miri and her creations.
    • Buns the Bounty Hunter: An Intergalactic Bounty Hunter is contracted by Miri Cox for a special smuggling job (that they note doesn't actually involve bounties).
  • Áinerrin & Lley: A fertility druid and her Kentish tribal warrior companion have adventures in the badlands of ancient Wales.
  • Mad Maggie: A tale-telling, nymphomaniac, buxom female profiteer is cursed into a ten-year-long "Groundhog Day" Loop. However, everyone she interacts with gains Ripple-Effect-Proof Memory, leading to a never-ending age of piracy, madness, and raunchy adventures.
  • Allura the Bard: A series of vignettes set in a saucy fantasy world inspired by Dungeons and Dragons, mostly focusing on the titular bard and her travelling companions.
  • Carbon Pink: An amalgamation of Fantasy and Cyberpunk, in which bioengineered and cybernetically-enhanced races are contracted by the corporations that control the world, and then spend their credits on hedonism.
  • Shagahol: A series of tales in a tabletop roleplaying-inspired setting. In the fantastic world of Mundain, the various creation deities are constantly arguing over which one gets to represent fertility, and civilization is just advanced enough to start figuring out how the whole "adventuring" thing actually works. Eventually started morphing into an actual TTRPG called Vice & Violence, currently in progress.
