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Creator / Piemations

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Mike "Piemations" Pitts is a YouTube Web Animation channel. His channel can be found here.

Piemations is the creator of:

Tropes associated with Piemations:

  • Affectionate Parody:
  • LGBT Creators: Mike Pitts has/had a boyfriend at some point in his life and also came out as Aromantic in March of 2021.
  • Lighter and Softer: Sheriff Hayseed is a lot more light-hearted and kid-friendly than some of his more adult oriented works.
  • Lyrical Dissonance: "A Happy Jam" is a cheery and upbeat song that's "overload[ed] with major chords and hype," but the lyrics are about the songwriter's depression and dread, followed by their subsequent attempts at escapism through the song that is currently being sung.
  • Shared Universe: Suction Cup Man and Mike & Zach are set in the same city. This also includes the short Routine Stop, as the officer interrogating the driver guy is a recurring character from Suction Cup Man.
  • Signature Style: His animation style can vary depending on the project but some of his projects like Mike & Zach and Suction Cup Man have a South Park influence whereas other projects like Sheriff Hayseed are drawn more traditionally. His style of humor involves pop culture references, exaggerated expressions, and over the top storylines.
  • Sliding Scale of Idealism vs. Cynicism:
    • Suction Cup Man leans closer to the cynical end.
    • Mike & Zach is somewhere in the middle.
    • Sheriff Hayseed lies further on the idealistic side.
