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Characters / Young Justice Abridged Unaffiliated Villains

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Villains not associated with the usual adversaries that the heroes face.

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    Black Mask (Roman Sionis) 
Voiced by: LordJazor

  • Even Evil Has Standards: He's not impressed with grown men being attracted to much younger girls, as Flaming C finds out when he admits he's sweet on Artemis.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: He's always pissed off about something. But when your minions are incompetent, heroes keep foiling your plans, and other villains turn out to be Eviler than Thou, being angry is understandable.
  • Killed Off for Real: By the Joker, who he freed from jail specifically to take down Red Hood. It wasn't a good idea.
  • Surrounded by Idiots: Aside from Ms. Lee, his minions are idiots who spend too much money on cool guns and frequently misread his intentions.

Voiced by: Midgettoe2000

  • Fanboy: Of Justin Timberlake. It's his whole reason for invading Earth.

    Reverse Flash/Professor Zoom (Eobard Thawne) 
Voiced by: KaiserNeko

  • Evil Counterpart: To the Flash, who thinks that evil versions of yourself are the lamest kind of villains.
  • Eviler than Thou: The rest of Flash's Rogues Gallery were going to invite him to lunch and their Discord chat before it turned out he rigged them all with bombs in an attempt to put down Flash.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: From both the Flashpoint Paradox, and from having been retconned so many times. He's not sure who he is anymore.
  • Worf Had the Flu: In a normal setting, Zoom would have mopped the floor with the Suicide Squad. Thanks to his headshot from Flashpoint!Batman, he's reduced to just being able to take on all of them at once.

    Killer Croc (Waylon Jones) 
Voiced by: Midgettoe2000

  • Tragic Villain: He's in pain for every moment of his life, his humanity is slipping away as he mutates further, he can't get a job, has to resort to stealing medicine, and frequently gets mutilated when he appears on-screen.
  • What Measure Is a Non-Human?: A frequent victim of this thanks to his monstrous appearance. Even Batman doesn't care much if he gets maimed or killed, because of how unsure he is about Croc's humanity.

    The Court of Owls 
Voiced by: TallestSilver (Samantha)

  • Cavalry of the Dead: The assorted Talons, which they brag about to Batman, a man who has a code against killing. Finding himself up against mooks that don't die from lethal force is overjoying to Bruce.
  • Pungeon Master: All of them enjoy making owl puns.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Antagonizing both of the Wayne brothers, one of which works for them as an assassin, leads to all of them being killed off and later turned into Halloween decorations by Alfred.

    Talon (Thomas Wayne Jr.) 
Voiced by: SungWon "ProZD" Cho

  • Cain and Abel: With Bruce. It's hard to know which is which, as Thomas is a ruthless assassin and Bruce's sole concern with meeting his long-lost brother is losing his fortune to him.
  • Parental Abandonment: After his parents died, his legal guardian was Alfred... who sent him away in a basket, leading to all of his issues with the remaining Wayne family.

    The Reds 
Voiced by: Starbeastrave (Red Torpedo), Totalspiffage (Red Inferno), JulieparkVO (Red Volcano/AVI)

  • Catchphrase: DO NOT IGNORE US!
  • Faceā€“Heel Turn: AVI, previously Tim's loyal AI girlfriend, gets corrupted by Dr. Manhattan rigs herself to take over Red Volcano's body.
  • No Indoor Voice: Just like Tornado, Inferno and Torpedo refuse to lower their volume settings.

Voiced by: LordJazor

  • Bumbling Dad: To Raven. He's protective of her and wants what's best for her, and she's having none of it. To be fair to Raven, Trigon is an apocalyptic monster whose idea of being a good parent involves burning her world and turning her into a demon.

    Alfred Pennyworth 
Voiced by: LordJazor

  • Adaptational Villainy: Do not come into this series expecting him to be the same kindly old man from canon, because he very well isn't.
  • Ambiguously Bi: In both this series and Leik777's old Batman Abridged, he's hinted that he's slept with both of Bruce's parents.
  • Answers to the Name of God: If someone ever mentions the Devil, Alfred will respond, even if he's not present in the scene.
  • Catchphrase Insult: He likes calling people stupid boys, even if they're women.
  • The Dreaded: People quickly realize that crossing him is a terrible idea. It's how he got away with running for Vice President of America despite being audibly Scottish.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: To date, he has created the Court of Owls and abandoned Thomas Jr, fathered Trigon, been the driving force behind the Bad Future, and created the Get Out of Heck Free card.
  • Humanoid Abomination: If he wants to intimidate you, his face and the surrounding area will suddenly be obscured with shadows and glowing eyes will appear from all directions while Alfred speaks in the Voice of the Legion.
  • Living with the Villain: Bruce has to do this, as he couldn't get rid of Alfred entirely.
  • Servile Snarker: To Bruce. Justified, as Alfred's only pretending to be a butler.
  • Signature Laugh: OHOH, HOH HOH HOH HOH!
  • Violent Glaswegian: He's a proud Scotsman and A Man of Wealth and Taste, but cross him and you'll be on the receiving end of this trope.
  • Was Once a Man: He references a time when he was a young human. Bruce decides not to pursue this topic.
