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Characters / The Green-Eyed Sniper

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The cast of The Green-Eyed Sniper.

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     A.I.M.S. Characters 

Shanti is our resident sniper!
Technically, Shanti is a nurseon, or a special nurse trained to face war zones and other dangerous situations. She runs a small hospital in enemy territory to bring relief to the local population. Although she belongs to an assassin organization, called Horizon, she targets only untouchable or impossible-to-get criminals. Kind, smart, and with a strong sense of justice, she hates war with a passion.
  • Action Girl: Shanti is a very good martial artist, although she excels as a sniper. Sekhmet is nearly unstoppable in melee and regular hand-to-hand combat.
  • Cast Full of Gay: Main cast is all lesbian.
  • Covert Group: Shanti belongs to a secret assassin organization called Horizon.
  • Friendly Sniper: Shanti is a kind, positive and likes to smile.
  • Hitman with a Heart: Shanti only targets bad guys and would never hurt an innocent.
  • Professional Killer: Shanti is an assassin, although she is not in it for the money. All profits go to her hospital.
  • Sniper Rifle: Shanti uses a very precise sniper rifle.
  • Statuesque Stunner: Sekhmet, Shanti and Blitz are tall and muscular women belonging to an engineered species called A.I.M.S. Shanti is 6′ 1″ (1.86 m). Although less strong than Sekhmet, she could easily crush a human head with her bare hands.
  • World of Action Girls: Because Shanti and Sekhmet constitute a world of action girls!

Sekhmet - the wanted war criminal
A wanted war criminal and an AWOL high-ranking officer from the Kemet-Ra forces, Sekhmet is on the run. Although she's a scientist, and inventor and nearly a genius, her personality and life are highly damaged from a past of killing, war and much more. All of this will be explored in Infected Blood, an upcoming comic exploring Sekhmet's life before the events of The Green-Eyed Sniper.
  • Action Girl: Sekhmet is nearly unstoppable in melee and regular hand-to-hand combat.
  • Cast Full of Gay: Main cast is all lesbian.
  • Dangerous Deserter: Sekhmet is a wanted war criminal and a deserter. Here she claims to Blitz that being fed up with a never-ending war was the main reason she went AWOL, although she also confesses to Shanti that she lied about a lot of the circumstances she recounted later.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Sekhmet hides her past as a war criminal from everyone, although she confesses it to Blitz and, later on, Shanti finds out about it on her own.
  • Driven to Suicide: Sekhmet is suicidal.
  • Military and Warfare Comics: Sekhmet is a wanted war criminal who goes AWOL and hides in enemy territory.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: Sekhmet is an AWOL soldier and a war criminal with obvious PTSD. Although it's unclear what exactly she's seen and done during war (except for building a weapon of mass destruction which she repeatedly sabotages), she has a pained and rather strong restraining reaction in the presence of wounded people.
  • Shotguns Are Just Better: Sekhmet's weapon of choice is a shotgun. Powerful and angry, it adapts perfectly to her personality.
  • Simple, yet Awesome: Sekhmet's shotgun is effective. Given the chance, she likes to aim at her opponent's legs and finish them with a shot to the head.
  • Statuesque Stunner: Sekhmet, Shanti and Blitz are tall and muscular women belonging to an engineered species called A.I.M.S. Sekhmet is 6′ 6″ (1.98 m) and is among the strongest representatives of her species.
  • World of Action Girls: Because Shanti and Sekhmet constitute a world of action girls!

Blitz is a kind, yet manipulative young lady...
A pacifist who went through 5 years of torture as a lab subject, due to her being an A.I.M.S., Blitz is an idealist who believes in second chances. Deeply in love with Shanti, she is very troubled by Shanti's frequent "business trips" (in reality, Shanti's killing missions), but she can't get herself to be direct about anything, so she does not simply ask for clarifications. Although generally nice, Blitz is secretive and tends to be very manipulative, if she feels threatened. This could be do to her torturing years.
  • Statuesque Stunner: Sekhmet, Shanti and Blitz are tall and muscular women belonging to an engineered species called A.I.M.S. Blitz is shorter that Shanti and Sekhmet, at 5′ 9″ (1.80 m). Even if she is a less powerful A.I.M.S., she is still far more powerful than the strongest human.

     Robot Characters 

Assistant - the kindest robot in Kemet-Ra and beyond!
A robot designed and built by Sekhmet as a personal body guard, Assistant possesses all the positive feelings Sekhmet lacks. She could be easily called a philosopher, and her morals are enormously higher than her creator's - something Sekhmet didn't apparently account for. Much to Sekhmet's anger, Assistant claims to have feelings.
  • Androids Are People, Too: Assistant, Sekhmet's body guard, is a sentient robot who apparently has feelings, which Sekhmet constantly abuses.
  • Robosexual: Assistant suggests she has feelings for Sekhmet. Although Sekhmet has a disgusted reaction, the author claims that there is indeed something going on between these two. It's all shown here.
