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Characters / The Cornelius Chronicles

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Jerry Cornelius

Our main character, though sometimes he takes a background role in his own stories.

Catherine Cornelius

Jerry's beloved sister, and something of a tragic figure.

Frank Cornelius

Jerry's brother, out for what he can get.
  • Ambition Is Evil and Frank is Power Hungry. That power, or at least recognition, comes so easily to Jerry (such as when he becomes King of England in The Condition of Muzak, though really just as a figurehead) really pisses Frank off.
  • Cain and Abel: Frank is definitely Cain to Jerry's Abel, though he's more likely to die than kill.
  • Honest John: Frank's always hustling— drugs, fenced goods, faked goods, probably even sex workers.
  • The Resenter: Oh yeah. He's perpetually irritated with his station in life.
  • Smug Snake: Often even when he does have a triumphant moment it'll quickly get yanked out from under him.

Honoria Cornelius

The domineering mother of the Cornelius clan. Survives just about everything life throws at her.
  • Apron Matron: Though a rather more distant parent than most, she has the forceful personality and physical presence.
  • Big Eater: She's even eaten herself sick sometimes and doesn't let that slow her down.
  • Big Fun: She enjoys picnics, fun fairs, and such delights.
  • Funetik Aksent: Mrs. C is Cockney an' just fine wiv that, luv.
  • Gold Digger: Well, she might just luck into it.
  • I Was Quite a Looker: According to Colonel Pyat, anyway. If Catherine takes after her it certainly was true.
  • Kavorka Woman: She's fat, aging gracelessly, more than a bit of a slob and tends to overdo it with the hair and makeup, but it doesn't set her back significantly.
    "I've never gone short o' beaux," she said. "Whatever else 'as 'appened ter me."
  • My Beloved Smother: One of the few people Jerry is genuinely scared of— and not without reason. Apparently her mere presence can neutralize enemies and reduce her own offspring to children (at least in that comic; in the books she does tend to make her children feel like, well, children again, and the one time she confronts one of the major baddies, she simply humiliates her before going her own way).
  • Trash of the Titans: She has a hoarding tendency.

Una Persson

First appearing in A Cure For Cancer, she is a heroic revolutionary and supporter of Jerry.
  • Ambiguously Gay: Whether she's a lesbian or bisexual depends on the story.
  • Ascended Extra: She becomes more prominent in The Adventures of Una Persson and Catherine Cornelius in the Twentieth Century (1976) and is the central figure in The Entropy Tango (1981)
  • The Chanteuse: This aspect of her is seen more in The English Assassin.
  • Distaff Counterpart: To Jerry. They both share Catherine as a lover, and she eventually becomes Harlequin when he becomes Pierrot.
  • I Fight for the Strongest Side!: Inverted— Una routinely gets infatuated with underdogs only to have the shine wear off as they acquire power. This is from being a...
  • Rebellious Spirit: Even more so than Jerry.

Miss Brunner

Jerry's opposite number, big on order and authoritarianism (especially in the later stories).

Bishop Beesley

Another of Jerry's enemies, though more greedy and less formidable.
  • Black Comedy Cannibalism: During the peace talks party in The English Assassin, he takes a ex-nun off to a bedroom for some private fun, which involves covering her with chocolate to lick off. Things get out of hand...
  • Fat Bastard: The largest character in the books, probably even fatter than Mrs. C.
  • Sinister Minister: Assuming he is not, in fact, defrocked.
  • Sinister Sweet Tooth: He'll even snort sugar like it was cocaine, and it's just part of his generally gross nature.
  • Villainous Glutton: Hell, his first reaction at a peace talks party is to gush about the food.

    Other Persons of Interest 
Most of these characters show up in works after The Final Programme. They're listed in alphabetical order rather than order of appearance.

Sebastian Auchinek

A theatrical agent/music producer and sometimes antagonist to Jerry.
  • Aging Would-Be Hipster: Comes off this way in the "real-world" parts of The Condition of Muzak, especially when trying to get Jerry to come up with a more radio-/Top of the Pops-friendly sound.
  • You Have to Have Jews: He's the only character in any of the stories routinely and clearly described as Jewish.

Mitzi Beesley

Bishop Beesley's amazingly unpleasant daughter.

"Shaky" Mo(ses) Collier

A drinking (snorting, shooting, smoking) buddy of Jerry's. Also a demolitions expert and sometimes roadie.

"Flash" Gordon Gavin

  • Earned His Title: Gordon's got a bit of a exposure habit. (And shows up as Lady Godiva (!!) at a Christmas costume ball.)

Professor Hythloday Hira

Spiro Koutrouboussis

Doctor Karen von Krupp

Prinz Lobkowitz

Major Nye

Colonel Pyat
