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Characters / Overlord 2012 New Ainz Ooal Gown

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New Ainz Ooal Gown

The successor to the original Guild in the non-canon bonus volume. To return to the 41 Supreme Beings of Nazarick, click here.

    In General 
  • Badass Crew: They may lack the numbers and most of the rare items the original Guild was known for, but it doesn't make them less than effective in combat. According to Satoru, all of the members aside from Keno, are easily above Level 40 in YGGDRASIL terms.
    • Also, Word of God states that had Satoru shared his knowledge with his guild members, the New Ainz Ooal Gown could have finished off the Pleiades by themselves.
  • Foil: In comparison to the original top Guild formed in YGGDRASIL, the New Ainz Ooal Gown is strictly formed in the New World by Satoru and Keno throughout their 200-year journey exploration. Where the original guild consisted of 41 Players that max out their levels, the new guild (aside from Satoru and Keno) consists of 5 other named members above Level 40 by YGGDRASIL terms, according to Satoru.
  • Lucky Seven: So far, only seven named members (including Satoru and Keno) are currently in the group.
  • Superior Successor: Averted. The group has a smaller number than the original Ainz Ooal Gown, lacks resources, and is weaker overall than the Players. Justified since, aside from Satoru, the New Ainz Ooal Gown consists of New World natives and Satoru doesn't have access to Nazarick.

    Satoru Suzuki/Momonga/1st Seat 

Satoru Suzuki/Momonga

One of the two main protagonists in the Overlord Bonus Volume.

  • Adaptational Name Change: In the Bonus Volume, Momonga uses his real-life name Satoru Suzuki in the new world instead of the name of his guild. Similarly, his "Momon" identity (used for his warrior persona) is used when he confronts Cure.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: Since Satoru arrived in the new world without Nazarick, he doesn't have to force himself into acting like the all-knowing and merciless overlord they know him to be. Keno's influence also makes him less likely to divulge in horrific acts unless someone goes out of their way to well and truly piss him off.
  • Adaptational Wimp: Downplayed. Since Satoru chose to spend his remaining time in Yggdrasil outside Nazarick and blast off some fireworks, he arrived in the new world by himself, thus depriving him of the Great Tomb's NPCs and its resources. On the other hand, he did arrive with the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown and still has access to whatever items and equipment he had on his person. If anything, Satoru is much more cautious than his mainline counterpart in how he deals with his foes as seen in his fight against Cure.
  • Adaptation Relationship Overhaul: In the main continuity, Ainz remained cordial with Evileye while also harboring anger towards her for grievously wounding Entoma. In the bonus light novel, he's more or less her adopted father.
  • Adoptive Peer Parent: Technically, Keno is already in her 40's by the time she meets Momonga.
  • Age Lift: Since he arrived two centuries in the New World before the events of the first volume, Satoru is much older than his mainstream counterpart.
  • Alternate Self: Serves as an Alternate Timeline version of Ainz, who without The Chains of Commanding Nazarick, chooses to go by his real name Satoru Suzuki, and retains some of his more human traits rather than trying to become a perfect Evil Overlord.
  • Bold Explorer: After helping Keno find the truth behind the undead plague that befell her country and dealing with the mastermind, he creates a new Ainz Ooal Gown guild that explores new lands and new mysteries that other adventurers can't.
  • In Spite of a Nail: Played with. The end of the bonus light novel sees Satoru learning about Nazarick's existence in the new world after spending two centuries. However, Nazarick is currently terrorizing nearby countries and Satoru himself is more world-savvy and somewhat more human, implying his relationship with the NPCs will be different this time around.
  • Mistaken Identity: Keno initially assumes he's the undead responsible for what happened to her kingdom as he's far and above the most powerful creature she's met up to this point. Satoru quickly clears up this misunderstanding quickly and promises to help her find a way to return her people to normal.
  • Parental Substitute: To Keno, as he's the only adult figure she has in her life.
  • Point of Divergence: Rather than spend the remaining time in Nazarick waiting for the eventual server shutdown, Satoru went outside the tomb to set off some fireworks. This is what leads to him arriving in the new world without Nazarick.
  • The Promise: After meeting Keno and getting to know her better, Satoru swore he'd find a way to turn her people back to normal humans. Sadly his efforts prove to be failures in the end; his spells fail to revert them back to humans and Cure's death does not undo the spell.
  • Properly Paranoid: It wouldn't be Momonga if he weren't. Satoru takes a great many precautions to hide his identity, defend himself, and take out potential threats, though this time around he actually has to rely on his own abilities since he lacks Nazarick's support in the bonus light novel. This is what gives him the advantage in his battle against Cure.
  • Walking the Earth: In order to learn about the New World, Satoru does this along with Keno as his companion, with another goal to reverse the Undead transformation of Keno's people.

    Keno Fasris Invern/2nd Seat 

Keno Fasris Invern

The other main protagonist in the Overlord Bonus Volume.

  • Adaptational Angst Upgrade: Played straight. Unlike Evileye, who seemingly got over the fall of her home and the loss of her people, Keeno is still reeling from the fate of her kingdom.
  • Adaptational Name Change: Justified, since the events of the volume take place before she became the adventurer known as Evileye. Whether or not she chooses to call herself this by the end of the Bonus Novel is up for air.
  • Adaptational Superpower Change: While she still has a few of her original abilities, Keeno has a different powerset than Evileye due to Satoru's presence. She lacks Elemental magic, but in exchange, she's learned spells that help make up for Satoru's weaknesses, such as intelligence gathering. She even has the ability to cast Super-tier magic, which none of the New World residents have been capable of doing.
  • Adaptational Wimp: Downplayed. She's still stronger than most inhabitants of the New World; she's just less focused on combat spells compared to her mainstream counterpart.
  • Adaptation Relationship Overhaul: As Evileye, she was heavily infatuated with "Momon", Ainz's adventurer identity via Rescue Romance. As Keno, Satoru is more or less her adopted father.
  • Age Lift: Justified; as the story takes place 200 years prior to his canon arrival in the main continuity, Keno is around forty years old when Satoru encounters her.
  • All for Nothing: Her efforts to help her people are ultimately for naught. Nothing in Satoru's repertoire of spells can reverse the process that turned them into undead, and the Elder Coffin Dragon Lord's death also does nothing beyond giving her the satisfaction of knowing the one responsible for turning her into a vampire is dead. Satoru insists there might still be a way, though given that we see her still with Satoru two hundred years later...
  • Creepy Child: Satoru describes Keno as this when they first met.
  • Fantastic Racism: During her and Satoru's travels around the New World, she experienced various inconveniences due to her humanoid appearance. In some cases in several demi-human nations, where humans are food or slaves, she was mistaken for an escaped meal and even enslaved.
  • Foil: To Shalltear Bloodfallen, a fellow True Vampire. Shalltear was created by one of Momonga's closest friends in the Guild while Keeno was made into a vampire as a result of Cure Elim Los Malvar's Wild Magic. In contrast to Shalltear considering Ainz to be an absolute, perfect ruler, Keeno knows full well that he is far from perfect and wouldn't hesitate to call him out on something she felt was wrong.
  • Important Haircut: She cuts her hair short before Walking the Earth with Momonga.
  • In Spite of a Nail: Despite having a very different backstory than her main timeline counterpart by the end of the Bonus Novel, she still ends up becoming a powerful adventurer who's the number two in her team, just like Evileye. The main difference is that, while Evileye is part of a team made up of humans, the New Ainz Ooal Gown is comprised of monsters.
  • Morality Pet: Keeno becoming attached to Momonga and traveling with him plays a huge part in his kinder, more human mindset. Unlike the NPCs of Nazarick who could never find a fault with him, along with influencing his already degrading morality, she doesn't hesitate to chew him out.
  • Older Than They Look: By the time that Satoru first meets Keno, she's already in her forties despite looking like a 10-year-old girl. After traveling with him for 205 years, she still retains the same appearance.
  • Our Vampires Are Different: She is a True Vampire, born as a result of the Elder Coffin Dragon Lord's spell that brought Inveria and the Aina Miscegenation League to ruin.
  • Undead Child: Undead pre-teen like her mainstream counterpart. She's physically twelve years old despite being chronologically 55 when meeting Satoru for the first time.
  • Walking the Earth: She does this with Momonga to reverse the Undead transformation of her kingdom's populace. Although she fails to reverse the spell, but managed to kill the one responsible, she nonetheless continues to travel the New World with Momonga for a new purpose in life.

    Scraea/3rd Seat 


A member of the New Ainz Ooal Gown and the third Heteromorphic to join the guild.

  • The Ghost: They're only mentioned by Satoru in the epilogue while reminiscing how he had met Nurunuru.

    Nurunuru/4th Seat 


A Herdroper who joined the New Ainz Ooal Gown and the fourth Heteromorphic to do so.

  • Disability Superpower: He naturally lacks eyes and relies on sensing the vibrations around him.
  • Elemental Embodiment: As a Herdroper, Nurunuru resembles a lump of sand.
  • Fire-Forged Friends: With Crystal. They had once clashed during a certain incident, but they became friends after yet another incident.
  • Hive Mind: Herdropers are known to have a hive mind, but Nurunuru is implied to be the rare few to be born with individuality.
  • Non-Human Non-Binary: Since Herdropers are Heteromorphs that resemble lumps of sand, they mostly lack distinct genders. Satoru has trouble identifying his gender but considers Nurunuru as a "he" during his internal monologues.

    Crystal/5th Seat 


A Gnator who joined the New Ainz Ooal Gown and the fifth Heteromorphic to do so.

  • Ambiguous Situation: According to Satoru, he still has his doubts that Crystal is really a heteromorphic due to his species abilities.
  • Brutal Honesty: Crystal is not the least bit shy of withholding his thoughts. Especially on his views on science, dismissing it as a backward philosophy that imitates magic.
  • Fire-Forged Friends: With Nurunuru. They had once clashed during a certain incident, but they became friends after yet another incident.
  • The Immune: Crystal was immune to spells that only affected demihumans or humanoids...and was also immune to spells that should have been effective on heteromorphs.
  • Magic Versus Science: He doesn't have a high opinion of science, as he sees it as a backward philosophy that imitates magic. It's implied that his beliefs are what causes his conflict with Nurunuru, who is interested in the subject, in the first place.
  • Our Fairies Are Different: Gnators are a race that is less than 20 centimeters long, with translucent wings that resemble those of fairies, but they look more like insects. Their similarity to fairies was used to deceive and prey on fairies because they were a carnivorous race.

    Plantona/6th Seat 


A member of the New Ainz Ooal Gown and the sixth Heteromorphic to join the guild.

  • The Ghost: Like Scraea, Plantona is only mentioned briefly during New Ainz Ooal Gown's journey into the Dolor Desert.

    Muki/7th Seat 


A member of the New Ainz Ooal Gown and the seventh Heteromorphic to join the guild.

  • Affectionate Nickname: His mother — or perhaps his sister, calls him "Mu-chan".
  • Fluffy the Terrible: Implied. According to Satoru, Muki looked completely unlike what the cute nickname of "Mu-chan" would suggest.
  • The Ghost: Similar to Scraea and Plantona, Muki is only mentioned by Keno, who told Satoru that the former reported three countries had fallen in the north of the continent.
  • Knowledge Broker: He appears to excel in information gathering.
